Posted: February 26th, 2023

Assistance Comprehensive

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1. You have just been assigned a new student with Autism who engages in rage behaviors to such an extent that the he has completely disrupted the classroom routine. Among the behaviors exhibited are screaming and the hitting and kicking of other students. The principal has informed you that the student will remain your responsibility. Present a comprehensive positive behavioral support plan. You may need to conduct a functional behavior assessment. Identify all hypothetical conditions that are necessary for your plan’s success. Because the student spends 90% of the time in a general education class and 10% in your special education classroom, your plan must include how you will collaborate with the general educator in establishing this positive behavioral support plan. (SED 622; SED 662; SED 660; SED 630; SED 652)

2. Identify and describe all parts of an IEP. (SED 642; SED 652; SED 500 and SED 170)

3. Select one of the following disabilities: (1) mental retardation; (2) specific learning disabilities; (3) emotional/behavioral disorders, or (4) autism. Provide the following information:

a. definition

b. etiology

c. characteristics

d. prevalence

e. how to identify

f. best practices

(SED 170; SED 500)

0. Provide an overview of the history of Special Education from the early 1970s to the present highlighting laws, litigation, and events that have shaped this history. Select one current issue that will have significant impact on the field and elaborate on this. How you think this issue will change the course of Special Education. (please do not include Itard in your discussion) (SED 500)

1. Special education requires formal and informal assessment. What is assessment and how does it differ from testing? What distinguishes formal assessments from informal assessment? What legal requirements for assessment are specified by IDEA? (SED 652)

2. Identify the three laws that guarantee the educational and civil rights for students and adults with disabilities. For each law:

a. list and explain the main principles under the law

b. explain how the civil rights for students and adults are guaranteed, and

c. cite examples of the law. (SED 500; SED 520; and usually used as an introduction in all classes)

3. Your new student has a reading disability and demonstrates difficulties with behavior. You are in the process of writing her IEP. Write a statement of present level performance and three (3) goals for the upcoming school year. Two of the goals should be instructional and one should address the student’s behavior. For each goal write two short-term objectives. (SED 435; SED 642; SED 662)

12. Eligibility for special education services is based on assessment data gathered from a variety of sources. Discuss the eligibility criteria for each of the disability categories listed below including, legal definition, formal assessment data required, controversial issues, and specific eligibility criteria mandated by law.

a. learning disabilities b. Intellectual Disabilities (MR)

c. Emotional/behavioral Disorders d. Autism

(SED 622; SED 642; SED 652; SED 500)

0. Explain the major differences between special education requirements (IDEA) and Section 504 requirements. (Reviewed in all Classes)

1. Punishment is not appropriate or effective for students with behavioral disorders. 4) What are three problems associated with using punishment as a way to decrease undesirable behavior? (SED 660; SED 662)

2. Assessments for special Education involve informal and formal assessments. You are to:

a. Define formal assessment and identify two categories used for formal assessment and name three (3) Formal tests for each category.

b. Define informal assessment and describe the types of informal assessments most commonly used by teachers and cite 1-2 examples of informal assessment. (SED 652)

3. Define and provide examples of the following.

a. norm referenced tests

b. competency based assessment

c. teacher made tests

d. criterion referenced tests

4. Describe the major physiological processes that are required for sound production.

(SED 640)

0. List and describe three characteristics associated with Autism.

1. What factors should you consider in deciding what kind of language-intervention program to use with a child with autism spectrum disorder. (SED 640)

2. Lists and explain the steps in conducting a Function Behavior Assessment (FBA)

Step 1: Gather indirect and direct data. The purpose of gathering information is to identify any contextual setting events, antecedents.

Step 2: Analyze the data. …

Step 3: Formulate hypothesis about the function of the behavior. …

Step 4: Develop Positive Behavior Support Plan. …

Step 5: Monitor and adjust the PBSP as needed.

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