Posted: February 26th, 2023

BA 560 Module 5 Assignment


BA 560 Module 5 Assignment

Please provide your answers in Times New Roman, 12-point type and double spaced.

1. Chapters 41 and 42

The purpose of the following exercises is to familiarize you with the Alabama Secretary of State

website’s Services and Records tabs with respect to business organizations. While your

business’s attorney may be the person completing and filing the documents, it is helpful for you

to know what is required. A general narrative is given on how to access the documents needed.

Review the documents, and then, follow the directions for the exercise.

1. Go to

2. Click on Services at the top of the page; then click on Business Entities.

3. Review this information and the information in the Business Entities Brochure item in the

middle of the page.

4. Then click on the Domestic Corporation Business Forms and Foreign Corporation Business

Forms links and review the form in each.


1. Based on the Alabama Secretary of State’s website, what are the steps in incorporating a

business in Alabama? Please be sure that you pay particular attention to the first step; it is


2. What is the difference in domestic and foreign corporations in Alabama? Why do domestic

corporations incorporate in Alabama and foreign corporations register in Alabama?

3. The incorporation process in Alabama for domestic corporations and the registration process

for foreign corporations can both be completed online or by following mail-in procedures. Create

a pretend corporation and complete the pdf version of the domestic incorporation form and attach

it will your test questions answers.

2. Chapter 40 – Please review the introductory scenario that is provided at the top of page 40-1

of Chapter 40 pertaining to Limited liability companies. Review the information in the chapter

regarding LLCs and answer the questions at the end of the paragraph. Please answer these

questions fully, providing a complete discussion of LLCs before answering the questions.

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