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Implementing a training initiative to improve employment is the name of my paper. Please see attached theme to assist with assignment

Writing Assignment #3

Research Report to a Decision-maker

Assignment Summary

You must write a
Report on the topic that you introduced in WA #1, the
Memo, and for which you gathered and reported on and reviewed your research sources in WA #2, the
Review. Your research report is the culmination of the work you have done with WA #1, the Proposal Memo and WA #2, the Synthesis Literature Review. Your
Report must be at least
long. In your Research Report, you will do the following for your readers:

define a workplace or community (neighborhood)problem persuasively and accurately.

propose one or more possible solutions to the problem or issue.

present one or more possible solutions to a clearly identified decision-maker (or group of decision-makers) who can implement the recommendation(s) you make for solving the problem or addressing the issue.

How WA #3, the Research Report relates to WA #1, the Proposal Memo and WA #2, the synthesis Literature Review

In the
Memo you decided upon a suitable topic (a workplace or community problem and one or more possible solutions) and introduced your topic to a decision maker (or group of decision makers). In the
Review you gathered research sources about your topic, identified themes related to the topic within your sources, and discussed how the sources related to each other in their treatment of the themes you identified (this is synthesis). Now, in the
Report, you must
present an explanation and discussion of your topic’s problem(s) and why the problem(s) need to be addressed –
supported by your research
and offer one or more possible solutions –
supported by your research. You will now have identified a problem, researched sources to get expert views about the problem(s). and offered one or more solutions to the problem – supported by research. You will have moved from identifying a problem to research the problem and possible solutions to reporting upon your research and findings to a decision maker.

What You Must Provide for WA #3, the Research Report

Your report presents a clearly defined workplace or community (neighborhood) problem (supported by research) and offers one or more possible solutions (supported by research).

Your report follows the approved report template/guide and contains all the components required by the assignment instructions.

Your review uses American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition citation style for citing sources within the text of your paper and in providing a reference page.

Your review meets word length requirements and follows correct business style.

Checklist to Guide you in Completing your Research Report

Components necessary for the Research Report:

letter to the decision-maker
(separate page from body of report)

executive summary
(separate page from body of report)

title page

table of contents
(separate page from body of report)


body of the report including headings and subheadings

conclusion(s) drawn from research findings and discussion

recommendations for implementation of the solution(s)

References page, with references listed in APA format
(separate page from body of report)

WA #4, Research Report, Requirements:

The complete report should be a minimum of 2000 words long, not including the list of references.

The complete report should also cite at least NINE (9) sources. At least FOUR (4) of them should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. The sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, provide evidence of the problem, and support the solution.

In the report, you will do the following:

define the problem persuasively and accurately

propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue

present that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation.

Be sure to review the sample Research Reports in the Content area of the WRTG 394 classroom for examples of how fellow students have successfully completed this assignment that can offer you guidance and ideas for completing your assignment.

GRADE OF A Assignment Task:

To earn the grade of “A,” you should complete another assignment for this research report. The instructions for that assignment can be found in both the Sample Assignments area of Content in the 394 classroom, as well as in the WA #3, Research Report, assignment folder in the Assignments area of the classroom.



Implementing a Training Initiative to Improve Employment 

Student’s Name





Thesis Statement:

The purpose of this study is to examine the existing research on the topic of the efficacy of introducing a training program to boost employment opportunities. Seven sources will be examined in order to draw conclusions on the efficacy of a training program in boosting employment rates.


World-wide, unemployment remains a serious issue that can have far-reaching effects on people’s lives, local economies, and national production levels. Many training efforts have been implemented by governments and organizations around the world to combat the issue of unemployment. Yet, while the implementation of such efforts has shown positive results in some places, their overall efficacy is still up for discussion. The goal of this study is to examine the existing literature on the topic of training programs designed to boost employment prospects.

Theme 1: Impact of Training Initiatives on Employment

Individuals’ skill sets have been boosted through training programs in an effort to raise their employability. According to Meyer et al(2018) .’s “The influence of training on employment,” participants in training programs are more likely to find gainful work as a result of their enhanced skills and knowledge. But not all training programs are the same, so finding the most efficient ones is crucial. However Lichtenberg (2017) counters by saying that training initiatives don’t always succeed in raising employment rates since they don’t always match up with the skills required for open positions.

Theme 2: Relevance of Training Initiatives in the Modern Job Market

Employment trends change frequently, necessitating that educational offerings flex to keep up. Training programs, according to Arias et al. (2020), “Bridging the Skills Gap: Perspectives from Employers, Educators, and Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean,” are more likely to be successful if they are tailored to the needs of the labor market. Matoussi and Tounsi (2020) counter by saying that training programs aren’t always made to fit the needs of the workforce, which leads to skill gaps and unemployment.

Theme 3: Evaluation of Training Initiatives

There is a direct link between the success of training programs and their effect on the job market, making evaluation of these programs an absolute necessity. Cho et al. (2018) observed that the impact of training efforts on employment and income varies depending on the evaluation methodologies employed. Evaluation of training efforts, on the other hand, can shed light on program efficacy and guide future interventions, as Loukil et al. (2019) discovered in their paper “Measuring the Impact of Training Programs for Unemployed Youth in Tunisia.”

Theme 4: Importance of Collaboration in Training Initiatives

Training programs can only be carried out effectively with widespread participation from all stakeholders. Creating Partnerships to Address Workforce Development: Collaborative Models for Businesses, Educators, and Nonprofits, by Deitz et al. (2018), emphasizes the significance of such collaboration in ensuring the applicability of training programs and the growth of marketable skills. However, Iakovleva et al. (2018) believe that collaboration can be hard to put into practice because of diverging priorities, resources, and other factors.

Theme 5: Challenges in Implementing Training Initiatives

Funding, accessibility, and cultural barriers are just few of the variables that can make it difficult to carry out training projects. Employment prospects for people with less access to training opportunities are discussed by Nyman et al. (2019) in their article “Skills and employment strategies for inclusive growth in Europe.” Kerkhofs et al. (2019), on the other hand, draw attention to the difficulty of securing financial support for training efforts and the resulting need for cost-effective methods.

Theme 6: Effective Strategies for Implementing Training Initiatives

It is crucial to employ efficient methods when carrying out a training program. Nguyen et al. (2020) found that a holistic strategy was required for successful implementation. It is recommended by the authors that a training project incorporate the following steps: a needs analysis, the development of a program, its implementation, evaluation, and preparation for the long-term. Karimi et al. highlight the need of includes all relevant parties in the planning and execution phases (2017). The authors argue that training programs are more likely to be successful and long-lasting if employees, employers, and training providers are all involved in the process from the start.

Meager’s (2019) research, on the other hand, indicated that when management takes the lead, people are less likely to buy into the effort. This research lends credence to the idea that involving workers in the planning and execution of training projects improves both participation and performance.

Theme 7: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training Initiatives

If we want to know if our training efforts are producing the desired results, we need to take stock of how well they are doing. Research by Ismail et al. (2019) suggests that evaluation of a training program should occur at multiple points, including before, during, and after its implementation. Findings from the study point to the need of evaluation in determining where changes are needed and establishing whether or not the program is satisfying the requirements of both workers and businesses.

On the other hand, Blanchflower et al (2020).’s research shows that evaluation is frequently skipped over or not implemented adequately in training programs. According to the writers, this can reduce the success of the project because people won’t know how much of an effect it’s having.

The body of research available indicates, on the whole, that assessment is necessary for establishing the efficacy of training efforts and that it has to be carried out at multiple times during the entirety of the project.


As this literature analysis comes to a close, it becomes clear that training activities are crucial to enhancing employment outcomes. Benefits of training initiatives, accessible types of training initiatives, impediments to training initiatives, effective ways for conducting training initiatives, and measuring the efficacy of training initiatives are only some of the issues that have emerged from this analysis.

Training programs can improve job prospects, according to the research, but there are obstacles to overcome before they become widely adopted. In order to overcome these obstacles, it is crucial to employ efficient methods, involve all relevant parties, and assess the initiative’s success. It’s possible that doing so might lead to better results in the labor market for both individuals and businesses.


Arias, O. S., Cruz-Aguayo, Y., de la Fuente, A., Fernández Sierra, M., & Weber, A. (2020). Bridging the skills gap: Insights from employers, educators and youth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank.

Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A., Forth, J., & Machin, S. (2020). The changing nature of work in the UK: Estimating and assessing the gig economy. National Institute Economic Review, 251(1), R10-R25.

Cho, Y., Huq, M., & Mccabe, J. (2018). Impact of vocational training on employment and income in developing countries. Asian Development Review, 35(1), 103-119.

Deitz, R., Kolluri, A., & Lazar, J. (2018). Building partnerships to address workforce development: Collaborative models for employers, educators, and nonprofits. Community Investments, 30(2), 6-12.

Iakovleva, T., Do, H., & Heimeshoff, M. (2018). Barriers to collaboration between non-profit and private sectors: perspectives from Romania. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29(5), 946-960.

Ismaïl, F., Boudreau-Trudel, B., Séguin, M., & Dubé, L. (2019). Impact evaluation of a psychosocial skills training program on psychosocial and employment outcomes of young adults with a mood disorder. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 51(1), 17-28.

Karimi, A., Ebrahimi, M. S., & Kermani, M. (2017). Designing effective training programs: Key principles and strategies. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(15), 113-118.

Kerkhofs, J., Ciupijus, Z., & Vanroelen, C. (2019). Combining quantitative and qualitative data to assess the impact of a training programme on self-employed people’s health and safety. Safety Science, 118, 163-170.

Lichtenberg, F. R. (2017). The returns to training: A review of the literature. International Journal of Manpower, 38(2), 172-204.

Matoussi, H., & Tounsi, L. (2020). The effectiveness of vocational training programs in the Tunisian context: The role of skills mismatches. Journal of Education and Work, 33(3), 238-255.

Meager, N. (2019). The impact of training on job satisfaction and workplace performance: Evidence from British linked employee-employer data. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 58(2), 210-244.

Meyer, A. P., Sandner, M., & Block, J. H. (2018). The impact of training on employment. Small Business Economics, 50(4), 925-947.

Nyman, C., Inkmann, J., & Tatsiramos, K. (2019). Skills and employment policies for inclusive growth in Europe. European Economic Review, 118, 51-70.

Nguyen, T. T., Lee, S. H., & Kim, M. (2020). Effective implementation of a training program for new nurses: A comprehensive approach. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(8), 380-388.

Loukil, N., Slimane, M. B., & Ghariani, A. (2019). Measuring the impact of training programs for unemployed youth in Tunisia. International Journal of Training and Development, 23(4), 315-332.

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