Posted: February 26th, 2023
Homework #1
Due February 14th, 11:59pm
Each homework submission must include:
• An archive (.zip or .gz) file of the source code containing:
o The makefile used to compile the code on Monsoon (5pts)
o All .cpp and .h files (5pts)
• A full write-up ( of ) file containing answers to homework’s questions (5pts), including
the exact command line needed to execute every subproblem of the homework
The source code must follow the following guidelines:
• No external libraries that implement data structures discussed in class are allowed, unless
specifically stated as part of the problem definition. Standard input/output and utilities libraries
(e.g. math.h) are ok.
• All external data sources (e.g. input data) must be passed in as a command line argument (no
hardcoded paths within the source code (5pts).
• Solutions to sub-problems must be executable separately from each other. For example, via a
special flag passed as command line argument (5pts)
For this homework, you will need to use the most recent human genome assembly located on Monsoon:
• This file contains multiple scaffolds
that comprise the human genome
• The genome is in FASTA format (see
o The headers are unique and
always begin with the “>”
character. These can be
discarded for this homework.
Each line of genome file is exactly 80 characters long (plus carriage return character)
o The genomic sequences consist of the following alphabet {A, C, G, T, N}
Problem #1 (of 2): Monsoon account creation and workshop
• (25pts) Navigate to NAU’s High Performance Computing Cluster (Monsoon) account creation page
• Complete the Self-Paced Workshop
• Obtain and submit the validation codes to self-validate your account
• Take a screenshot of the successful ‘confirm user’ command (see example below) and submit it
as part of your writeup to complete problem #1 of the assignment.
Problem #2 (of 2): basic text processing
Write code to read, store, and analyze the latest human genome assembly (found at:
/common/contrib/classroom/inf503/genomes/human.txt ). At minimum, your code must contain
• A character array to store the entire human genome in a single data structure
• A separate function to read the human genome file
• A function to compute the number of A, C, G, or T characters in the human genome
• Comments describing major code blocks and control structures
A. (20pts) Read in and store the human genome. There will be multiple scaffolds (each with a
separate header denoted by “>”). Concatenate the entire genome (discard headers) into a
single character array data structure. Collect the following statistics (see below) as you are
reading the file. Hint: you can keep running totals or store scaffold sizes / names in a separate
sets of arrays
• How many scaffolds were there?
• What was the longest and shortest scaffold? Provide names of scaffolds and lengths.
• What was the average scaffold length?
B. (20pts) Write a function to assess the content of the human genome – count the total number
of a given character (A, C, G, or T) in the whole genome.
• What is the ‘big O’ notation of your search (linear / quadratic / cubic / etc)?
• How long does it take (in seconds) to execute this function? Hint: You will need to use
system time within your code to get accurate time estimates.
• What was the GC content of the human genome (percent of C’s and G’s in the genome)?
Place an order in 3 easy steps. Takes less than 5 mins.