Posted: February 26th, 2023

CX 12

List of Possible Topics

Note: The purpose of the MSN project proposal  is to translate evidence currently found in the literature into practice within the chosen specialty track.  Due to the research complexity, time involvement, and implications regarding human subjects, drug studies are not acceptable areas of interest for a MSN project.


· Best evidence available about a topic (i.e. frequency of mammography)

· Screening recommendations (i.e. PSA for prostate cancer)

· Information about a healthcare-related phenomenon (i.e. when to talk to a person about ending treatment for a terminal illness, non-compliance of diet for individuals with congestive heart failure)

· Vaccinations for adults and/or children

· Early assessment for health-related concerns (i.e. depression in teenagers; suicide prevention for the elderly)

· Life style changes (i.e. smoking cessation, increasing activity in teenagers)

· Relationship between events or health concerns (i.e. relationship between dementia and caffeine consumption.

· Selection on an intervention (i.e. use of small group theory to lessen anxiety)

· Symptom management (i.e. pain, vomiting)


The process for affecting positive change to improve practice outcomes can start with either the identification of an area of interest or the identification of a potential or existing practice problem. Selecting an area of interest helps to define a direction for further inquiry. The purpose of this assessment is for students to identify and discuss an area of interest specific to advanced practice nursing. Students will identify a common practice problem related to the selected area of interest and provide a recommendation to affect positive change. Students will build on this project in later courses. 

Criteria for Content 

For this presentation, select an area of nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur. Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic and to find research support for the practice change you are recommending.  You may use a topic from the list at the link below or may investigate a topic of your choice as long as it pertains to NP practice. If you are unsure of your topic, please reach out to your instructor.  
Be sure to provide speaker’s notes for all slides except the title and reference slides.  

Create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following: 

Introduction: slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered. 

Evidence-based projects: slide should explain the general importance of master’s-prepared nurses engaging in evidence-based projects related to nursing practice and profession. Provide speaker’s notes with additional detail and support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 

Conceptual Model: slide should provide an illustration of a conceptual model that could be used to develop an evidence-based project. Possible models include The John’s Hopkins or Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Models or you may select another model you find in the literature. In the speaker’s notes, explain how the model would be applied to the development of an evidence-based project. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 

Area of Interest: identify an area of interest related to NP practice in which a practice change may be needed. Slide should identify the area of interest and what is currently known on the topic. Speaker’s notes more fully explain what is currently known and should provide rationale for why the area of interest is important to NP practice. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 

Issue/concern and recommendation for change: slide should identify a specific concern related to your general area of interest and your recommendation for a practice change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Recommendation should be supported by at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 

Factors Influencing Change: slide should identify at least 2 internal and external factors that could impact your ability to implement your recommended change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain how the factors you’ve identified would support or impede the implementation of your recommendations. Factors may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas. 

NONPF Competencies: slide identifies at least two NONPF Competencies that are relevant to an evidence-based project related to your area of interest. Speaker’s notes should explain how the competencies relate to your area of interest. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 

Conclusion: slide provides summary points of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic. 

Title of Presentation






Please be sure to use a template and add a few pictures/graphs throughout your presentation to make it visually appealing to your viewers. Be Creative!


Repeat Title on Slide 2
Identify key concepts to be presented in Power Point presentation
Identify the sections of the presentation Example below:

Evidence Based Projects (Section)
The importance of master’s prepared nurse participation (Concept)

Issue/Concern and Recommendation for change

Conceptual Model
Development of an evidenced-based project (EBP)

Factors Influencing change
Internal and External factors which impact change

Area of Interest
Addresses changes needed within NP practice
NONPF Competencies
How the area of interest is relevant to core competencies

Speaker notes should provide general information on the key concepts. Provide a brief overview of what you will be covering in this presentation.

Evidence-Based Projects
Importance of MSN nurses engaging in evidence based projects related to nursing practice and profession

Additional detail about the importance of MSN nurses engaging in evidence based projects

Include support from one outside scholarly source here in the speaker notes

Conceptual Model
Identify Model that could be used to develop an evidence based project

Provide an Illustration (picture) of conceptual model

(The conceptual model should be one that could be used to develop an evidence based project. E.g. PDSA, ARCC, Johns Hopkins)

Speaker notes should include how you would apply the model to your evidence based project.

E.g. Identify the steps of the model and then show how your project fits within these steps.

Provide support from at least one scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson)

Area of Interest (The area of interest should be something related to NP practice that needs to be changed
Identify the area of interest
What is currently known on the topic from your review of scholarly literature
How is this area of interest important to your future professional practice?

In the speaker notes add:

Your rationale for selecting this area of interest

Discuss how the area of interest is important to future professional practice

More detailed discussion about what is known about the area of interest based on what you find in scholarly literature

Provide at least 1 scholarly reference outside the classroom

Issue/Concern and Recommendation for Change
Identify what the issue or concern is related to your area of interest
What is a practice change recommendation – (based on research)

Speaker notes should provide evidence support from the literature to show the recommended change is grounded in research and considered best practice

Provide support from at least 1 scholarly source

Factors Influencing Change
2 Internal Factors that have potential to influence or impact your ability to implement your recommended change
2 External Factors that have potential to influence or impact your ability to implement your recommended change
How do factors support change or provide barrier to change

Speaker Notes should include:

Discussion of the internal and external factors. Internal factors are within the organization and external factors are outside the organization. For example, an internal factor could be the culture of the organization which either supports change or doesn’t support it. An organization that has a shared governance in decision making is more likely to support change. Examples of other internal factors could be budget, communication issues, empowerment concerns, lack of recognition that it will improve patient outcomes, time, lack of knowledge and skills to implement and budget.

Examples of external factors are legislative initiatives, reimbursement concerns

Discuss how these factors support or provide a barrier to implementing your recommended change

Identify what you found in the literature related to these factors – provide scholarly source.

Specify which are external and which are internal factors

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) – Competencies
Two NONPF Competencies relevant to an EBP related to your area of interest

How do the competencies relate to your area of interest. Don’t just select two competencies. Identify how they are related to your area of interest.

Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson). 


Summarize the main points of your presentation

Provide final comments on the topic

Use correct 7th edition APA formatting for your references


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