Posted: March 12th, 2023

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7.1 Theoretical Framework

Overview: Rather than writing a full-length literature review for your topic, you will practice developing your theoretical framework for your mock dissertation topic in this assignment and then develop your literature review funnel for assignment 7.2.                             

  • The purpose of the theoretical framework is to tie the dissertation together. As the researcher, you should approach the proposed research from a theory or set of theories that provide the backdrop for the work (researchers do not create theory; they use established theory in which to embed their work).
  • This section should describe how this study will relate to existing theories and discuss how the methodology being used in the study links to those theories
  • The theoretical framework justifies the methods you plan to use for conducting the study and presents how this research will contribute to the body of knowledge and/or practice. Further, it describes the context within which to locate the intended project and suggests why doing such a study is worthwhile.


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the expectations of this assignment.

DSRT 837 Rubric Adapted from Doctoral Research Handbook x DSRT 837 Rubric Adapted from Doctoral Research Handbook x – Alternative Formats

  • Develop a 1 page (more is fine) theoretical framework for your mock dissertation topic.  Consider (but do NOT directly answer) the following questions when you write your theoretical framework:

    Is the theoretical foundation strong?
    Are the theoretical sources apparent?
    Are they appropriate for the topic?
    Do they need further explanation?

  • Submit your theoretical framework to the submission box.
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