Posted: February 28th, 2023


Care Protocol

Topic: Puemonia

Develop a care protocol for a selected health condition chosen from list provided by the instructor.This protocol must include: 

  1. Definition of disease                                                     10%
  2. A brief overview of the pathophysiology                        10%
  3. Etiology/prevalence/incidence                                       10%
  4. Signs and symptoms                                                      10%    
  5. Differential diagnosis                                                    10%
  6. Diagnostic workup                                                        10%
  7. Treatment plan for NP                                                   15%
  8. Consultation and referrals                                              10%
  9. Client teaching                                                              15%

 All protocols must include health promotion, health maintenance, and illness prevention related to the selected topic. In addition, any considerations in client assessment and treatment and disease etiology, prevalence or incidence in the paper and presentation. In addition to the 9 items listed above. The assignment will include a title page, an abstract, an introduction explaining why you have selected this health condition and how should this protocol be utilized in the practice setting, measurable behavioral learner objectives, and a reference list per APA format. The assingment should be concise and limited to no more than 7 pages.  

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