Posted: February 26th, 2023

Emergency Operations Plan

Guidance with EOP

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to finalize and submit the complete EOP basic plan.

Compile all previously submitted sections to create a complete EOP basic plan. Make sure to revise and update each section based on any instructor feedback received.

Include the following sections in your final EOP:

1. Introduction (Purpose, Scope)

2. Situation and Planning Assumptions

3. Concept of Operations (CONOPS)

4. Organizational and Assignment of Responsibilities

5. Direction, Control, and Coordination

6. Recovery, Continuity of Operations Planning

7. Post Incident, Exercise, and Required Training

8. Plan Development, Maintenance, and Improvement

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Assumptions

Shane Goodreau

EMM 685: Leadership in Emergency Management Capstone

Dr. Robert Ditch

11 January 2023


This Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) aims to establish a systematic, proactive approach to emergency management to protect life, property, and the environment. The BEOP outlines the principles, structures, and processes to guide the organization’s response to emergencies. It also provides guidance on preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergency situations. The BEOP is based on the principles of emergency management, which include planning, prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery. These principles apply to various emergencies, including natural disasters, technological accidents, and human-caused incidents.

The BEOP is designed to be flexible and adaptable to implement in various emergencies effectively. It is based on the organization’s specific needs and resources and considers local, regional, and national emergency management guidelines and best practices. The BEOP is organized into several sections, including an introduction, a statement of purpose, and a description of the organization’s emergency management program. It also includes emergency response, recovery, business continuity procedures, and guidance on communications, training, and exercises.

Overall, the BEOP is meant to provide a comprehensive framework for the organization’s emergency management efforts to ensure that the organization is prepared to respond to and recover from emergencies effectively. In such a case, the geographic area of interest is the area under the borough’s city council, which is the Fairbanks North Star Borough area. In such a case, the plan is an annual plan expected to serve people in the said location during diverse emergencies.


The scope of this Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) encompasses all emergency and disaster response efforts within the organization and the geographic areas it serves. This includes various emergencies, such as natural disasters, technological accidents, and human-caused incidents. The BEOP applies to all departments and agencies within Fairbanks, as well as any public, and private sector partners or contractors involved in emergency response efforts, such as the police and the fire departments. It also applies to any citizens affected by or involved in emergencies. This includes employees, volunteers, and community members who may be called upon to assist with emergency response efforts.

The geographic areas covered by this BEOP include all locations within the organization’s (Borough’s city council) jurisdiction and any areas that may be impacted by emergencies occurring within the organization’s jurisdiction. This may include neighboring communities or regions that may be affected by the crisis or need assistance from the organization. However, priority is given to the needs of people living within the stated landmass as recognized by the constitution.

To effectively respond to and recover from emergencies, the Boroughs City Council needs to establish clear lines of communication and coordination with all relevant entities. This includes establishing partnerships and mutual aid agreements with other organizations, agencies, and private sector partners and working closely with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure a coordinated and effective response.

Overall, the BEOP is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for the City council to have a working emergency management effort and to ensure that all entities and geographic areas within the plan’s scope are prepared to respond to and recover from emergencies effectively. By establishing clear procedures and guidelines, the BEOP helps to ensure that Boroughs’ City council can effectively protect life, property, and the environment in the face of any emergency.

Situation overview

The planning environment for this jurisdiction is characterized by a range of hazards that have the potential to disrupt the community and cause significant damage. These hazards include natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes and artificial incidents such as technological accidents and acts of firearm violence (Sakurai & Murayama, 2019).

In terms of probability and consequence, the jurisdiction is most likely to be affected by natural disasters, with hurricanes and floods being the most common hazards. These hazards can significantly impact the community, including the destruction of critical infrastructure, damage to homes and businesses, and displacement of residents (Oktari et al., 2020). In terms of geography, the coastal and low-lying areas of the jurisdiction are most at risk for flooding, while the entire jurisdiction is at risk for hurricanes.

Several critical facilities in the jurisdiction are vulnerable to these hazards, including schools, hospitals, and transportation infrastructure. These facilities play a vital role in the community, and their disruption could seriously affect the community. In addition, the jurisdiction has a large population of individuals with disabilities, access and functional needs, limited English proficiency, and a significant number of minors who are not accompanied by an adult and children who are in daycare or school. These populations may be particularly vulnerable in a disaster and require special considerations in the emergency response.

The jurisdiction has a range of capabilities and limitations when it comes to being ready for times when disaster strikes. On the positive side, the jurisdiction has a well-trained and equipped emergency response team, strong partnerships with neighboring jurisdictions and state agencies, and a robust infrastructure (Liu et al., 2021). However, the jurisdiction also faces limited resources and a growing population, which can put additional strain on emergency response efforts.

To minimize the impacts of an incident, the jurisdiction has implemented several short- and long-term strategies. These include efforts to strengthen and improve critical infrastructure, such as reinforcing buildings and upgrading communication systems. The jurisdiction has also developed a comprehensive emergency management plan that outlines the roles and responsibilities of various agencies and organizations in the event of an emergency, as well as a robust public outreach and education campaign to ensure that residents are prepared and know what to do in the event of a disaster. In addition, the jurisdiction has implemented various mitigation measures, such as flood control projects and building codes, to reduce the risk of damage from future hazards.


There are several assumptions that a planning team should make to effectively execute a Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) in Boroughs City council’s jurisdiction. These assumptions should be based on the most current and accurate information available and should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. Some of the critical assumptions that a planning team may consider include the following:

The availability and reliability of resources: This includes assumptions about personnel, equipment, and other resources that may be needed to respond to an emergency (Doan & Shaw, 2019). Another such aspect is the expected impact of the crisis: The planning team should assume that the emergency will have a certain level of impact on the organization and should plan accordingly.

It is also essential to consider the organization’s ability to communicate effectively: The planning team should assume that the organization will communicate effectively with all relevant parties, including employees, volunteers, and external agencies. It is also suitable to assess the availability of outside assistance (Parker et al., 2020): The planning team should assume that external assistance may be needed to respond to the emergency effectively and should plan accordingly.

Lastly, it is essential to note the level of damage or disruption caused by the emergency: The planning team should assume that the emergency will cause a certain level of damage or disruption and plan accordingly.

Overall, these assumptions help the planning team to execute the BEOP and respond to the emergency effectively. As the causes of the incident come to light, the planning team should adjust the BEOP as necessary to reflect the changing situation (Shah et al., 2020). This will help to ensure that the organization can effectively respond to and recover from the emergency.


Doan, X. V., & Shaw, D. (2019). Resource allocation when planning for simultaneous disasters.
European Journal of Operational Research, 274(2), 687-709.

Liu, J., Chen, Y., & Chen, Y. (2021). Emergency and disaster management-crowd evacuation research.
Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 21, 100191.

Oktari, R. S., Munadi, K., Idroes, R., & Sofyan, H. (2020). Knowledge management practices in disaster management: Systematic review.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, 101881.

Parker, C. F., Nohrstedt, D., Baird, J., Hermansson, H., Rubin, O., & Baekkeskov, E. (2020). Collaborative crisis management: a plausibility probe of core assumptions.
Policy and Society, 39(4), 510-529.

Sakurai, M., & Murayama, Y. (2019). Information technologies and disaster management–Benefits and issues.
Progress in Disaster Science, 2, 100012.

Shah, A. A., Gong, Z., Pal, I., Sun, R., Ullah, W., & Wani, G. F. (2020). Disaster risk management insight on school emergency preparedness–a case study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, 101805.

Basic Emergency Operations Plan

Shane M. Goodreau

Grand Canyon University EMM-685

Dr. Robert Ditch

21 December 2022

Table of Contents
Basic Emergency Operations Plan 3
Promulgation Document and Signatures 3
Approval and Implementation 4
Signature 4
Record of Changes 5
Record of Distribution 7
Stakeholder Rationale 7

Basic Emergency Operations Plan

Promulgation Document and Signatures

Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) for Fairbabnks North Star Borough is issued to ensure that all personnel are prepared to respond to any emergency within the borough. The plan is meant to promote the safety and well-being of the borough’s citizens, visitors, and personnel. This document outlines the roles and responsibilities of those responsible for preparing and maintaining the plan and its associated procedures and guidelines.

The borough’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for preparing, maintaining, and implementing this BEOP. The OEM is tasked with providing the necessary resources, training, and guidance to ensure that all personnel are adequately prepared to respond to emergencies. The OEM will coordinate with other departments, organizations, and agencies to ensure that all necessary resources are available and utilized on time. The OEM will also coordinate with the borough’s Fire Department, Police Department, and other relevant personnel to ensure that the BEOP is effectively implemented. The OEM will also coordinate with the borough’s Emergency Management Advisory Committee to ensure that the plan is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

The borough’s City Council is responsible for providing the necessary resources for implementing and maintaining the BEOP. The City Council will also review and approve the plan annually. The City Council will also provide the necessary guidance and oversight to ensure that the BEOP is effectively implemented. The borough’s Mayor is responsible for promulgating this BEOP and providing the necessary guidance and oversight to ensure that the plan is implemented and maintained. The mayor will also review and approve the plan on an annual basis.

Approval and Implementation

The BEOP is applicable to all personnel of the borough and supersedes all previous plans. This plan is approved by the senior official and is effective immediately. The OEM can modify this plan without the senior officials signature. The OEM should ensure that any changes made to the plan align with the overall objectives outlined in the plan and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

This BEOP is intended to provide personnel with the necessary guidance and resources to respond to any emergency. The plan is designed to ensure that all personnel are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency. The plan outlines the roles and responsibilities of personnel in any emergency, including their roles in the coordination, management, and supervision of all activities related to the emergency, communication protocols and procedures to be followed, as well as the appropriate levels of reporting and documentation. It also outlines the steps to be taken to ensure that the health and safety of personnel and the public are maintained and responsibilities of personnel in the event of a pandemic or other public health emergency.

To ensure that personnel are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency, the plan outlines the necessary training and drills to be conducted. The plan also outlines the necessary equipment and supplies to be on hand in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, the plan outlines the necessary procedures for preparing for and responding to any emergency. It also includes guidelines for evacuation, sheltering in place, and other emergency activities and responsibilities of personnel in the event of a natural disaster, an act of terrorism, or any other emergency.


Robert Ditch Date

Senior Official

Record of Changes


Date of change

Individual making change

Description of change


21 December 2022

Shane Goodreau

Updating the coordination with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure availability of all necessary resources


[Date of change]

Fire Chief
Scott Raygor

Updating the level of training to ensure all personnel in the fire department are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency situation


[Date of change]

Ron Dupee

Updating the level of training to ensure all personnel in the police department are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency

Record of Distribution




Date of delivery

Number of copies

Dr. Robert Ditch

Senior Official

City Council

21 December 2022


Scott Raygor

Fire Chief

Fire Department

[Date of delivery]


Rob Dupee


Police Department

[Date of delivery]


Nancy Durham

Emergency manager

Office of Emergency Management

[Date of delivery]


Bill Witte

Town administrator

Emergency Management Advisory Committee

[Date of delivery]


Public and Media


News Media

[Date of delivery]


Stakeholder Rationale

The Senior Official is responsible for promulgating the plan and providing the necessary guidance and oversight to ensure that the plan is implemented and maintained. The senior official is the highest-ranking official in the town and is responsible for setting the tone and direction of the town. The city council is responsible for providing the necessary resources for the implementation and maintenance of the BEOP. The city council is also responsible for reviewing and approving the plan on an annual basis. The city council is made up of elected officials who represent the citizens of the town.

The Fire Department and Police Department were selected as primary recipients due to their roles in providing emergency services to the community. Both departments will play a critical role in the implementation of the BEOP as they will be responsible for responding to and managing any emergency which is instrumental in ensuring the safety and well-being of the citizens and visitors of the town. The Fire Chief and sheriff are responsible for coordinating with the town Fire and police Department to ensure that the BEOP is effectively implemented. The departments are tasked with providing the necessary resources, training, and guidance to ensure that all personnel are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency.

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was selected due to their responsibility for the preparation, maintenance, and implementation of the BEOP. The OEM will be responsible for the coordination of all emergency management activities in the event of an emergency and will ensure that the plan is up-to-date and effective. The Emergency Manager is responsible for coordinating with other departments, organizations, and agencies to ensure that all necessary resources are available and utilized in a timely manner.

The Town Administrator is responsible for coordinating with the town Emergency Management Advisory Committee to ensure that the plan is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The advisory committee is made up of representatives from various departments, organizations, and agencies in the town. The Emergency Management Advisory Committee is tasked with providing the necessary guidance and oversight to ensure that the BEOP is effectively implemented.

The news media is responsible for disseminating the BEOP to the public. By providing the public with information about the plan, the news media can help to ensure that the citizens and visitors of the town are aware of the plan and can effectively respond to any emergency. The News Media is responsible for informing the public of any emergency and providing the necessary information to ensure that all personnel are adequately prepared to respond to any emergency.


Direction Control and Coordination

Shane Goodreau

Grand Canyon University: EMM-685

Dr. Robert Ditch

1 February 2023

Table of Contents
Direction, Control, and Coordination 3
Introduction 3
Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination 3
Administration, Finance, and Logistics 5
Administration 5
Finance 6
Logistics 6
Plan Development and Maintenance 6
Authorities and References 8
Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Executive Orders, Regulations, and Formal Agreements 8
Extent and Limits of the Emergency Authorities 8
Pre-Delegation of Emergency Authorities 8
Continuity of Operations and Government 9
Conclusion 9
References 10

Direction, Control, and Coordination


The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) establishes the framework for direction, control, and coordination activities in response to an emergency. This section of the EOP provides a comprehensive overview of the information collection, analysis, dissemination, administration, finance, logistics, plan development and maintenance, and authorities and references required for effective emergency management.

Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination

The crucial or essential information shared by all activities that was determined during the preparation phase is outlined in the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The data is required to make sure that the Borough is equipped to handle emergencies.

The information includes situational awareness data, resource information, impact information, and public information. Situational awareness data is information about the incident, including the location, severity, and number of victims. Resource information is about the resources available to respond to the incident. It includes the personnel, equipment, and supplies available to the incident commander and the capabilities and availability of other responding agencies (Venzin, 2020). Impact information is about casualties, property damage, environmental impacts, and other effects of the incident. Public information includes official statements, safety tips, evacuation information, and other incident-related information. This information is collected by the Fairbanks North Star Borough Office of Emergency Management (OEM) through monitoring of local news, radio, and other sources. The OEM office comprises the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the Incident Command System (ICS), and other agencies and organizations involved in the response. The OEM also collects information from first responders on the ground. The data is used to assess the situation and guide the incident commander.

The EOP outlines the format for providing the information, which includes written reports, oral briefings, and visual displays. The information is shared between the EOC and other agencies and organizations involved in the response and is used to coordinate the response and ensure that all personnel is aware of the situation. The information is also used to assess the response’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. The Fairbanks North Star Borough EOP also outlines the jurisdictional agency coordination systems, which include the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The system is used to alert the public to an emergency. It provides information about the incident, including the location, the type of incident, and the resources needed. It is also used to provide instructions to the public on how to respond to the incident.

The information collected by the OEM is analyzed to assess the situation and provide guidance to the incident commander. Analysis is conducted using the Fairbanks North Star Borough Incident Command System (ICS), which is the framework for coordinating emergency response actions between all Borough departments and agencies (Venzin, 2020). The ICS structure consists of five key elements: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration. While the operations portion of the ICS concentrates on providing a direct response to the incident, the command element is in charge of managing and coordinating the overall response. The ICS is a standardized system used to manage the response to an incident and is based on the principles of unity of command, a span of control, and resource management (Hanlin & Schulz, 2021). The EOC is responsible for managing the overall response, including collecting and analyzing information, coordinating resources, and providing guidance to the response personnel. The planning element is responsible for developing and maintaining the EOP and ACS, while the logistics element focuses on providing the necessary resources and personnel.

Once the information collected by the OEM has been analyzed, it is disseminated to the incident commander and other responding agencies. Dissemination is managed through the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Communication Center (ECC), which provides 24-hour monitoring, dispatch, and coordination of emergency response activities. The ECC also provides technical assistance and advice regarding emergency response operations and acts as a liaison between emergency response personnel and the public.

Administration, Finance, and Logistics

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) outlines the organizational structure and assigns specific responsibilities to key agencies and departments to effectively respond to emergencies and protect the safety and well-being of residents and visitors. The Administration, Finance, and Logistics portions of the EOP are made to outline general support needs, the services and supplies that may be obtained in case of emergency, as well as the organization’s resource management procedures.


The Administration section of the EOP establishes the primary duties, individual jobs, and the principal and supporting functions of the various agencies and departments within the Borough. This includes the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Finance/Administration Section Chief, Public Information Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer. The EOC Director acts as the main point of contact for the Borough and oversees the operation and coordination of the EOC overall. The Administration Division is responsible for managing and supervising all administrative activities related to the emergency. The responsibility includes developing and implementing policies and procedures, coordinating personnel and resource management, and ensuring that all activities are conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Administration Division also provides support to the other divisions in the form of personnel and resources.


The Finance section of the EOP outlines the financial and administrative policies and procedures that must be followed in an emergency. This includes the identification of potential sources of funding for emergency operations, the establishment of financial control systems, and the development of appropriate financial management plans. The process of securing and managing finance includes budgeting, accounting, and procurement. The Finance/Administration Section Chief is responsible for managing the financial and administrative aspects of the incident response.


The Logistics Division is responsible for acquiring and managing the resources required to support the emergency response, including personnel, equipment, supplies, and facilities. The Division is responsible for identifying and acquiring the resources required for the response, coordinating the delivery of the resources, and managing the inventory of supplies.

Plan Development and Maintenance

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a comprehensive document that outlines the organization and assignment of responsibilities for responding to emergencies within the Borough. The EOP is developed and maintained through a collaborative planning process that involves representatives from various departments and agencies.

The planning process is designed to ensure the plan is up-to-date and reflects the community’s current needs. The process begins with the identification of the hazards and risks that could affect the Borough. This information is used to develop an all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness and response. Next, a list of potential response scenarios is developed, and the necessary resources and personnel are identified. This includes a review of the organization’s roles, responsibilities, and capabilities. Once this information is gathered, the EOP is developed and reviewed for accuracy. The plan is then tested and evaluated through drills and exercises.

The EOP is managed by the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director. The Director is responsible for coordinating the development and maintenance of the plan. The Director is also responsible for regularly updating, testing, and evaluating the plan. The Director is assisted by the Planning Section Chief, responsible for collecting and analyzing information and providing guidance to the EOC Director. The Director and the Planning Section Chief are also in charge of working with other organizations to make sure the plan is thorough and efficient.

The EOP is also maintained through a regular cycle of training, evaluating, reviewing, and updating. All personnel involved in emergency response operations are trained and evaluated on the EOP. The plan is then reviewed and updated as needed. The EOP is also tested and evaluated through drills and exercises to ensure it is effective and up to date.

Authorities and References

Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Executive Orders, Regulations, and Formal Agreements

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan identifies numerous laws, statutes, ordinances, executive orders, regulations, and formal agreements relevant to emergency management in the Borough (Nwogugu, 2021). These include the Alaska State Constitution, the Alaska Statutes, the Alaska Administrative Code, the Alaska Emergency Management Act, the Local Emergency Planning Commission Act, the Alaska Disaster Act, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Management Plan, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Fire Protection Code, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Building Code, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Water, and Sewer Code, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Solid Waste Code, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Health Code, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Fire Code, and the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Services Plan.

Extent and Limits of the Emergency Authorities

The EOP outlines the extent and limits of the emergency authorities granted to the senior official. These authorities include the power to declare a local emergency, to take all necessary and reasonable steps to respond to an emergency, to request assistance from other governmental agencies, and to allocate funds and resources in an emergency. These authorities are effective when the senior official deems an emergency exists or is imminent and are terminated when the emergency is declared over or when the senior official determines that the emergency is no longer imminent.

Pre-Delegation of Emergency Authorities

The EOP provisions for pre-delegation of emergency authorities include measures that would enable the elected or appointed leadership or their designated successors to exercise specific emergency-related authorities in the event of an emergency. It includes the authority to declare a local emergency and request assistance from other governmental agencies. It also includes the authority to allocate funds and resources in an emergency and take all necessary and reasonable steps to respond to it.

Continuity of Operations and Government

To guarantee that crucial emergency tasks can be carried out in the case of a disaster, the EOP includes provisions for COOP and COG. To guarantee that the proper reactions to emergencies can be made, it includes standards for the transfer of decision-making and operational control. The EOP also outlines a plan for the continuity of essential services, including public safety, health and welfare, and public works. The plan ensures that the Borough can maintain critical services and operations during an emergency.


The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan establishes a clear and efficient framework for direction, control, and coordination activities in response to an emergency. The many agencies and organizations participating in the emergency response are described in detail in this section of the EOP, along with the information gathering, analysis, and dissemination procedures that will be employed to guarantee a coordinated response. The EOP also includes provisions for COOP and COG to ensure that crucial emergency functions may be carried out, as well as the legal foundation for emergency operations and activities. It ensures that all participating agencies and organizations can work together efficiently and effectively to manage emergency response operations and protect the community during times of crisis.


Hanlin, E. R., & Schulz, K. (2021). Incident command system and National Incident Management System.
Emergency Medical Services, 263–272.

Nwogugu, M. I. C. (2021). Complex Systems, Pandemics, and the Welfare State, Part-2: Constitutional Political Economy, Compliance and Constitutional Contagion Issues.
Geopolitical Risk, Sustainability and “Cross-Border Spillovers” in Emerging Markets, Volume II, 455–573.

Venzin, M. (2020). Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
The Membership Management Report,
16(5), 2–2.


Concept of Operations

Shane Goodreau

EMM 685: Grand Canyon University

Dr. Robert Ditch

18 January 2023

Part 1

The main goals and objectives that relate to this EOP include the aspect of reducing damage. As expected, during an emergency, people may often face issues that relate to damage to property. In such a case as expected, the plan must have provisions that can be used in controlling the overall damage that is caused by whichever emergency. Therefore, the EOP has a primary goal of creating plans that can be used in different events especially considering that there is never an accurate determination of which direction an emergency may take. In this case, the methodology used to execute this portion of the EOP is Response through timely communication among all stakeholders regarding safety. Another goal would be to have enough coordination between the different stakeholders, especially when there is the possible threat of loss of life.

The methodologies necessary to execute this portion of the EOP are the continuous education and evaluation of different stakeholders. There needs to be an accurate and well-explained role-taking among each person who may be helpful during an emergency. The aspect of a good flow of communication is an important goal given that it can be expected that with such a stance, people will be able to work better and faster, which an important aspect is given that emergencies require a fast shift between different needs (Korotkii et al., 2022). Here, the methodology that may be used in this aspect would be to ensure that everyone, for example, in the case of firemen, is ready for whatever comes their way, especially considering they may not have short notice or be able to anticipate the same.

Part 2

Activation Level

Type of Emergency

Level of response


These types of emergencies do not require activation of the EOP, given that they can be worked on by the locals or bodies such as law enforcement. In such a case, there is no need for activation since doing so would be a mismatch between the needs of the emergencies and the allocated resources. A good example would be a pipe bursting, an emergency but not at the level of a flood.

Daily Operations

Limited or Partial

This includes all emergencies that are minor but yet can turn into significant emergencies if left unchecked. In such a case, resources must be used for control and recovery, and therefore activation of the EOP must be made by the city council.

Level 2 response implies that some resources must be used for the elements of the EOP.


Such emergencies can be termed catastrophic events threatening both the lives of people and the property that the said people have. In such a case, the events are usually devastating to the area and will therefore call for the most resources that can be afforded. A good example would be a bombing where there are threats to many areas, including the lives and security of people. In such a case, the EOP must be used without failure since it is due to such events that the plans are made.

Level 3 implies that all resources needed are availed as guided by the EOP.

Part 3

Address direction and control during the emergency would be done from the command center, where the incident commander will head the operation and ensure that delegated duties are done as they should it is a crucial time in an emergency. In the case of an emergency, alerts and warnings can be made through mobile phones and over the news to ensure a broad and immediate reach to those whom the issue may affect. Continuity matters that need to be addressed include when businesses can reopen after a given disaster in each area within the city council’s jurisdiction. The incident commander and the mayor will relay such information.


Korotkii, A. V., Klimova, I. V., Avdeeva, M. O., & Uzun, O. L. (2022). Development of emergency plans: tutorial.


Training And Exercise

Shane Goodreau

Grand Canyon University: EMM-685

Dr. Robert Ditch

8 February 2023

Training And Exercise


The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is designed to guide the borough in responding to emergencies and disasters. A key aspect of the EOP is ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are trained and prepared to carry out their designated roles and responsibilities during an emergency. This section of the EOP outlines the mandatory annual training and exercises required for all participants and specialized response teams in the borough.

Mandatory annual training and exercises


Participants/Specialized Response Teams

Training Location

Resources Needed

Basic Life Support (BLS)

All emergency responders

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

Medical equipment, instructors, and BLS certification materials

Emergency Evacuation

All emergency responders and essential personnel

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

Workplace emergency exits, evacuation route maps, trainers, and safety equipment

Fire Suppression

Firefighters and other specialized response teams

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

Fire suppression equipment, trainers, and safety gear

Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)

Hazardous materials response teams

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

HAZMAT equipment, trainers, and safety gear

Search and Rescue (SAR)

All emergency responders

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

SAR equipment, trainers, and safety gear

Emergency Medical Training

Health Department

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

Medical equipment, simulated emergency scenarios

Tabletop Exercise

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff

On-site at borough facilities or local training centers

Emergency scenarios, communication equipment


All training is conducted at the operation centers to access the necessary resources and equipment to simulate real-life emergency situations. The centers provide the space and friendly environment necessary to ensure that person receives the most comprehensive emergency training.

Basic Life Support (BLS) Training

BLS training is critical in emergency response as it prepares first responders and designated personnel to provide immediate medical assistance in life-threatening situations. The training focuses on CPR, defibrillation, airway management, and other critical life-saving skills. BLS training provides prompt and effective medical care during emergencies (Soar et al., 2021). For instance, in case of a cardiac arrest, BLS training can help first responders correctly perform CPR and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to revive the patient, potentially saving their life.

Emergency Evacuation Training

Emergency evacuation training is essential in preparing designated personnel to evacuate residents and visitors from hazardous situations. This training covers safe and efficient evacuation procedures, including emergency exit routes, emergency lighting, and fire suppression systems. It ensures that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to safely evacuate a building in an emergency, reducing the risk of injury and fatalities (Bag & Ganguly, 2023). For instance, in case of a fire, emergency evacuation training can help individuals locate emergency exits, avoid smoke and fire, and evacuate safely.

Fire Suppression Training:

Fire suppression training is critical in preparing designated personnel to respond to fire emergencies effectively. The training covers the use of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and fire suppression systems. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to control and extinguish small fires, reducing the risk of fire spread and damage to the building and its occupants (Rabajczyk et al., 2021). For instance, in the case of a kitchen fire, fire suppression training can help an individual quickly grab a fire extinguisher, aim at the base of the fire, and suppress the flames before they spread.

Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Training

HAZMAT training is essential in preparing designated personnel to respond to hazardous material incidents effectively. The training covers identifying, handling, and disposing hazardous materials, including chemicals, biological agents, and radioactive materials (Romney, 2020). It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond to hazardous material incidents safely and efficiently, reducing the risk of exposure and harm to the public and the environment. For instance, in case of a chemical spill, HAZMAT training can help an individual identify the hazardous material, contain the spill, and dispose of the material safely.

Search and Rescue (SAR) Training

SAR training is critical in preparing designated personnel to effectively respond to search and rescue missions. The training covers search techniques, navigation, communication, and survival skills. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to search for and rescue individuals in emergencies, reducing the risk of injury and fatalities (Kruke & Auestad, 2021). For instance, in a natural disaster, SAR training can help individuals locate and rescue individuals trapped in rubble and debris.

Emergency Medical Training

Emergency medical training is essential in preparing designated personnel to assist during emergencies. The training covers basic life support skills, wound care, and the transport of patients. It prepares individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide prompt and effective medical care during emergencies, reducing the risk of injury and fatalities (Alrayyes et al., 2022). For instance, in case of a vehicle accident, emergency medical training can help individuals provide first aid, stabilize the patient, and transport them to the hospital safely.

Tabletop Exercise

Tabletop Exercise is essential to an EOP as it allows participants to practice and refine their emergency response skills and procedures in a controlled environment. It assesses the preparedness and response capabilities of designated personnel, identifies areas for improvement, and makes necessary adjustments to the EOP (Amberson et al., 2020). For instance, in the case of a simulated earthquake scenario, a tabletop exercise can help individuals practice their roles and responsibilities, assess their communication and coordination capabilities, and make necessary adjustments to the EOP to improve their response to similar real-life emergencies.

To receive buy-in for these training and exercise recommendations, it is important to communicate the benefits and importance of the training and exercises to all stakeholders. It can be achieved through regular meetings, presentations, and involving the stakeholders in the planning and implementing the training and exercises.

Authorization: To mandate these requirements, the EOC Director and relevant department heads must be authorized. The funding for the training and exercises must be secured through the logistics and finance departments.


The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) requires comprehensive and effective training and exercises to ensure that all stakeholders are prepared to respond to emergencies. This paper has provided a detailed analysis of the recommended annual training and exercises, including the participants, specialized response teams, training locations, resources needed, and a rationale for each recommendation. Additionally, strategies for obtaining “buy-in” and authorization for the training and exercise requirements have been outlined, ensuring the success and implementation of the EOP.


Alrayyes, M. A., Alaila, B. H., Aldalou, M. R. R., & Omamalin, N. G. D. (2022). The Emergency Preparedness of Level-Four Primary Health Care Centers in the Gaza Strip, the Occupied Palestinian Territory: An Assessment of Primary Care Providers’ Competencies and Facilities Preparedness.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 1–10.

Amberson, T., Wells, C., & Gossman, S. (2020). Increasing Disaster Preparedness in Emergency Nurses: A Quality Improvement Initiative.
Journal of Emergency Nursing,
46(5), 654-665.e21.

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A Guide to Hospital Administration and Planning, 193–229.

Kruke, B. I., & Auestad, A. C. (2021). Emergency preparedness and rescue in Arctic waters.
Safety Science,
136, 105163.

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14(24), 7849.

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Operational and Medical Management of Explosive and Blast Incidents, 569–582.

Soar, J., Böttiger, B. W., Carli, P., Couper, K., Deakin, C. D., Djärv, T., Lott, C., Olasveengen, T., Paal, P., Pellis, T., Perkins, G. D., Sandroni, C., & Nolan, J. P. (2021). European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Adult advanced life support.
161, 115–151.


Organization And Assignment of Responsibilities

Shane Goodreau

Grand Canyon University: EMM 685

Dr. Robert Ditch

January 25, 2023

Organization And Assignment of Responsibilities


Emergency situations can devastate communities, and organizations must have a well-structured and efficient plan in place to respond to such situations. The Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a comprehensive document that outlines the organization and assignment of responsibilities for responding to emergencies within the Borough. This section of the EOP establishes the operational structure that will be used to respond to an emergency, detailing the structure’s primary duties, individual jobs, and the principal and supporting functions of numerous agencies and departments

Organization and assignment of responsibilities

The operational organization that will be used to respond to an emergency is established by the EOP. The plan identifies key positions and responsibilities, including the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Finance/Administration Section Chief, Public Information Officer, Safety Officer, and

Liaison Officer


· The EOC Director acts as the main point of contact for the Borough and oversees the operation and coordination of the EOC overall.

· State government: Coordinate and implement emergency response operations, including providing resources and personnel, managing logistics, and providing financial resources to support the emergency response. They also offer direction and assistance to make ensuring that all operations are carried out in conformity with the relevant laws, rules, and policies.

· The Planning Section Chief is responsible for collecting and analyzing information related to the incident and providing guidance to the EOC Director.

· The Logistics Section Chief is responsible for coordinating the equipment and resources required to respond to the situation.

· Finance/Administration Section Chief is responsible for managing the financial and administrative aspects of the incident response.

· Public Information Officer: responsible for managing incident-related information and communication, including releasing official information to the public and the media.

· Safety Officer: responsible for managing incident-related safety and health issues, including identifying and evaluating potential hazards and developing safety plans and procedures.

· Liaison Officer: responsible for managing incident-related liaison and coordination activities, including coordinating incident-related activities with other agencies and organizations.

In addition to these key positions, the EOP also identifies several functional and support roles that are critical to the incident response effort. These include roles such as the Search and Rescue Coordinator, the Damage Assessment Coordinator, and the Evacuation Coordinator.

Tabular Matrix of


and Areas of Responsibility

The FNSB EOP includes a tabular matrix that summarizes various organizations’ and agencies’ primary and supporting roles in responding to an emergency. The matrix includes information on the following organizations and agencies:


Primary role

Supporting role

Fairbanks North Star Borough


Overall coordination and management of emergency response efforts.


State and Local Government

Coordinate and implement emergency response operations, including providing resources and personnel and managing logistics.

Assure that all activities are carried out in line with the relevant laws, rules, and policies by providing guidance and direction.

The incident commander

Managing specific incident operations and support activities (Rubin, 2020).

Development of incident objectives

Establishment of incident command posts and emergency operations centers.

Damage assessment, debris management, and community recovery.

Fairbanks Fire Department

Fire suppression and emergency medical services

Search and rescue, hazardous materials response.

Fairbanks Police Department

Law enforcement and crowd control

Traffic control, incident command support

Fairbanks Emergency Medical Services

Emergency medical services

Patient transportation, incident command support


Office of Emergency Management

Coordination of emergency resource management and logistics, emergency public information, and warning

Emergency evacuation and sheltering operations, emergency recovery operations.

Fairbanks Emergency Communication center

Provide 24-hour monitoring, dispatch, and coordination of emergency response activities.

Support services such as emergency call-taking and database management.

Provide technical assistance and advice regarding emergency response operations.

Act as a liaison between emergency response personnel and the public.

American Red Cross department

Provide relief and comfort to those affected by an emergency.

Provide food, shelter, and medical assistance to those in need.

The Fairbanks Department of Public Works

Provide public works services, including road repair, snow removal, and infrastructure maintenance.

Provide additional personnel, vehicles, and equipment to support emergency response activities.

Organizational Structure

The Fairbanks North Star Borough EOP outlines the organization charts used to implement the ICS or Anytown Coordination System structure. The ICS provides a framework for the coordination of emergency response actions between all Borough departments, agencies, and organizations. The ICS structure consists of five key elements: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration (Hall et al., 2022). The command element of the ICS is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the response, while the operations element focuses on the direct response to the incident. The planning element is responsible for developing and maintaining the EOP and ACS, while the logistics element focuses on providing the necessary resources and personnel. The finance/administration element is responsible for managing the financial and administrative aspects of the response.


In conclusion, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Operations Plan establishes a clear and efficient organizational structure and assigns specific responsibilities to key agencies and departments, including Fire, Police, and EMS, to effectively respond to emergency situations and protect the safety and well-being of residents and visitors. The plan provides a brief list of tasks to be performed by the organization and individual positions, a tabular matrix of organizations and areas of responsibility, and organization charts that depict the implementation of the Incident Command System structure. This ensures that all participating agencies and organizations are able to work together efficiently and effectively to manage emergency response operations and protect the community during times of crisis.


Hall, S., McGee, J. M., & Cooper, W. E. (2022). Security and Risk Assessment for Facility and Event Managers. In
Google Books. Human Kinetics.

Rubin, C. B. (2020).
Emergency management: the American experience (3rd ed.). London; Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.


Incident Manager

Office of Emergency Management

Public Information officer

Planning section chief

Fairbanks Emergency Medical Services

Fairbanks Fire Department

Fairbanks Emergency Communication center

The Fairbanks Department of Public Works

Fairbanks Police Department

Liaison Officer

American Red Cross department


Threat And Hazard Annex

Shane Goodreau

Grand Canyon University: EMM-685

Dr. Robert Ditch

15 February 2023

Threat and Hazard Annex: Cyber Attack


Cyber-attacks are a growing concern for organizations, governments, and individuals alike. As technology continues to advance, so do the methods used by malicious actors to access and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks (Tusher et al., 2022). This threat and hazard annex provides a comprehensive overview of the actions and considerations specific to the risk of cyber-attacks.

Threat Overview

Cyber-attacks are malicious actions taken by individuals or organizations that aim to cause harm to digital systems, networks, and information. These attacks can take many forms, including but not limited to viruses, malware, phishing scams, denial-of-service attacks, and unauthorized access to sensitive information (Wilson et al., 2019). The end goal of these attacks is typically to steal sensitive information, cause damage to systems, or disrupt normal operations.

Hazard Identification and Analysis

To mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks, it is essential to understand the potential hazards and their impacts. A thorough hazard identification and analysis should include an assessment of the likelihood of an attack and the potential consequences if an attack were to occur. Key considerations include:

· The type of information stored on digital systems and the potential impact if this information were to be compromised.

· The criticality of the systems and networks in question, including the impact on operations if they were to be disrupted.

· The current level of security measures in place and the ability of these measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of an attack.

· The current level of employee awareness and training related to cyber security and their ability to identify and report potential threats.

Response and Mitigation Strategies

To effectively respond to and mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks, organizations must have a comprehensive plan in place. Key strategies to consider include:

· Implementing strong security measures, including firewalls, anti-virus software, and access control measures.

· Regularly monitoring systems and networks for potential threats and taking prompt action to address any identified vulnerabilities.

· Providing regular training and awareness programs to employees to help them identify and report potential threats.

· Developing a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a cyber-attack, including the roles and responsibilities of different individuals and teams (Yohanandhan et al., 2020).

· Regularly testing the incident response plan to ensure that all stakeholders are familiar with their roles and the plan is effective in responding to the threat.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Organizations must also be aware of the legal and regulatory requirements related to cyber security and data protection. Key considerations include:

· The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which sets out the rules for the protection of personal data in the European Union (EU).

· The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which sets out the standards for the protection of payment card data.

· The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which sets out the standards for the protection of health information.


In conclusion, cyber-attacks are a growing threat that organizations must be prepared to respond to and mitigate. A comprehensive threat and hazard annex that considers the potential hazards, response and mitigation strategies, and legal and regulatory considerations is essential for effective risk management. By implementing strong security measures, providing regular training and awareness programs, and having a comprehensive incident response plan in place, organizations can reduce their risk of falling victim to a cyber-attack.


Tusher, H. M., Munim, Z. H., Notteboom, T. E., Kim, T.-E., & Nazir, S. (2022). Cyber security risk assessment in autonomous shipping.
Maritime Economics & Logistics.

Wilson, C., Gaidosch, T., Adelmann, F., & Morozova, A. (2019). Cybersecurity Risk Supervision. In
Google Books. International Monetary Fund.–zmSbfND&sig=0a4jjA0x26OsuvO4zf2EEVJT9P0

Yohanandhan, R. V., Elavarasan, R. M., Manoharan, P., & Mihet-Popa, L. (2020). Cyber-Physical Power System (CPPS): A Review on Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis With Cyber Security Applications.
IEEE Access,
8, 151019–151064.

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