Posted: February 26th, 2023

Empowering Five-fold Ministers

Empowering Five-Fold Ministers 

Course Description 

This course will explore the Biblical ministry model found in Ephesians 4: “He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, pastors and teachers.”

This course is focused on the five-fold ministry gifts and how  they can be part of an effective model for church and ministry. Students will be challenged to look at the practical contextualization and application of the five-fold ministry. Through this course, students will learn how to identify their personal five-fold gifts and those of others

Course Objectives 

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 

1. Understand the foundational nature of the Five-Fold ministry. 

2. Identify their Five-Fold gifts/graces and the Five-Fold gifts/graces of others. 

3. Explore and understand how the Holy Spirit is restoring these gifts back to the Church.

4. Identify hindrances to the Prophetic and Apostolic offices and functions.

5. Equip others into their Five-Fold purpose and destiny.

Course Textbooks 

1. The Reformation of Church Leadership: A Biblical Blueprint for the Five-Fold Ministry in the Local Church: Byron Hamilton, Trilogy Publishing, ISBN 978-1-64088-159-4. Purchase link: 

The Reformation of Church Leadership: A Biblical Blueprint for the Five-Fold Ministry in the Local Church: Hamilton, Byron: 9781640881594: Books – Amazon

2. The Complete Wineskin, Restructuring the Church for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 4th Ed.: Dr. Harold Eberle, Worldcast Publishing, ISBN 978-1-88523. Purchase link: 

The Complete Wineskin: Restructuring the Church for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: Dr. Harold R. Eberle: 9781882523023: Books:

3. The Five Fingers of God, Discovering Your Destiny Through the Fivefold Gifts: Mark Tubbs, Acsribe Publishing. Purchase link: 

Amazon – The Five Fingers of God: Mark D Tubbs: 9780982372180: Books

4. Five-Fold Females, A Modern Apologetic for Female Leadership: Dr. Rob Covell, Quiver Full Publishing, ISBN 979-8-7831-2396-2. Purchase link:  

Five-Fold Females: Covell, Dr Rob: 9798783123962: Books

(Reuse from your first course – The Apostles Today) 
5. Modern-Day Apostles, Operating in Your Apostolic Office and Anointing: Dr. Che Ahn, Destiny Image Publishing, ISBN 978-0-7684-4673-9.

· Week 1 – Understanding the Apostolic Reformation

Study Assignments:


The Reformation of Church Leadership: Read Chapter 1 
The Five Fingers of God: Read Chapters 1, 2, & 3 
The Complete Wineskin: Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 6


Watch the video teaching session below.

Discussion Forum:

Answer the Discussion Questions and comment on at least 3 other posts. 

Watch this video teaching session: YOUTUBE-Mark Tubbs Five-Fold Week 1

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Week 1 Discussion – Understanding the Apostolic ReformationForum

· Week 2 – The New Testament Wineskin

Study Assignments


The Reformation of Church Leadership, Chapter 2

The Complete Wineskin, Chapters 7-11

The Five Fingers of God, Chapters 4-5


Watch the Mark Tubbs lecture Five-Fold Ministry 2 

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on at least 3 other posts. 


Mark Tubbs – Video Lecture Five-Fold Ministry 2URL

Watch this video session: 

Play Video


Week 2 Discussion – The New Testament WineskinForum


Five-Fold Self-AssessmentFile



Week 2 – The New Testament Wineskin

Study Assignments


The Reformation of Church Leadership, Chapter 2

The Complete Wineskin, Chapters 7-11

The Five Fingers of God, Chapters 4-5


Watch the Mark Tubbs lecture Five-Fold Ministry 2 

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on at least 3 other posts. 


Mark Tubbs – Video Lecture Five-Fold Ministry 2URL

Watch this video session: 

Play Video


Week 2 Discussion – The New Testament Wineskin


Week 2 Discussion – The New Testament Wineskin

Answer the Discussion Questions below: 

· In 
The Reformation of Church Leadership, Byron Hamilton writes in detail about the office and function of an Apostle.  In your own words summarize his description of the office and function of an Apostle. Include at least 2 quotes in your summary. 

· Take the 

Five-Fold Self-Assessment

 Survey. Which one of the Five-Fold offices are your Primary and Secondary? Do you believe this matches the way you see your anointing and calling? Why or why not?

· Do these assessment findings align with your current ministry or marketplace position? If so, how are you operating in your Five-Fold anointing? If not, where would you be better suited? 



Five-Fold Self-AssessmentFile



Week 3 – Wineskin Stretching

Study Assignments 


The Reformation of Church Leadership – Chapter 3

The Complete Wineskin – Chapters 12-18 

The Five Fingers of God – Chapters 7-8


Watch the Mark Tubbs – Lecture Five-Fold Ministry 3 video. 

Five-Fold Research Case Study

Follow the 

Five-Fold Research Case Study

 exercise instructions. Compile your research data. This data will be used to write your Week 4 Mid-Term Paper. 

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Week 3 Discussion Questions and comment on at least 3 other posts. 


Mark Tubbs – Video Lecture Five-Fold Ministry 3URL

Watch the video session:

Play Video


Week 3 Discussion – Wineskin Stretching


Week 3 Discussion – Wineskin Stretching

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on at least 3 other posts. 

1. Briefly summarize the function and office of the New Testament Prophet. 

2. In your own words describe the Five-Fold Wineskin. How can you partner with the Lord to advance Five-Fold ministry in the Church? 

3. Describe at least 3 attacks of the enemy to thwart the Five-Fold from emerging in the Church. Why are these 3 enemy tactics of Spiritual Warfare significant? 


Five-Fold Research Case StudyAssignment

· Five-Fold Research Case Study

Five-Fold Research Case Study 

· Choose a historical church leader 
after the Great Reformation that you are familiar with and that you respect. Research this leader (possible sources include an autobiography, biography, “God’s Generals”, a local library, online research, or watch a documentary). When researching this leader, look for indicators and answer the question of which 5-Fold gifts did they function in? What where their Primary and their Secondary five-fold gifts? Supply and back up why you chose the ones that you did?


· You will use this Case Study and Research for your midterm paper in Week 4.

· Some leader suggestions: Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, William Wilberforce, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody, William Booth, William Seymour, Carl Barth, Aimée Semple McPherson, Billy Sunday, Watchman Nee, Kathrine Kuhlman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dennis Bennett, Myles Munroe, Bill Bright, Chuck Smith, John Wimber, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Jack Hayford, Rick Warren. 

Or choose one on your own. 

· Note: Many of these leaders didn’t have a grid or language for the apostolic or the 5-fold ascension gifts, so you will have to search for their primary functions and the resulting fruit that came out of their ministry.

· Week 4 – Church Fathers and the Five-Fold

Study Assignments 


The Reformation of Church Leadership – Chapters 4 & 5 

Writing Assignment: 

Write a 1500-word APA paper covering the following areas:

Develop a Case Study using both the teaching and the biographical research from this course.

· Choose a historical church leader after the Great Reformation (1500) and discuss the Fivefold functions that you observe in their ministry. What are their primary and secondary 5-fold gift/functions? Use biographical examples, course teaching (lecture and textbooks), and  Biblical examples to back up your findings.  What are the personal character strengths and weaknesses/flaws of the leader you selected. How do they relate to the overall fruitfulness/legacy of their lives and their ministry.

· Note: Many of these leaders didn’t have a grid or language for the apostolic or the Fivefold, so you will have to look for the primary functions and fruit that came out of their ministry from your biographical research. 

· Use at least three outside resources to complete this assignment. Do not just cut and paste the information you found on the internet, summarize in your own words. You may paste quotes, single paragraphs as long as you properly give credit to the author and cite your source in the References section of your paper. 

· Some leader suggestions: Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, William Wilberforce, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody, William Booth, William Seymour, Carl Barth, Aimée Semple McPherson, Billy Sunday, Watchman Nee, Kathrine Kuhlman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dennis Bennett, Myles Munroe, Bill Bright, Chuck Smith, John Wimber, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Jack Hayford, Rick Warren OR choose your own

Post your Week 4 Paper in the Peer Review Tab and in the Week 4-Midterm Tab. 


Week 4 – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers Midterm Paper – Post HereAssignment

· Week 4 – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers Midterm Paper – Post Here

· Write a 1500-word APA paper covering the two following areas:

· Develop a Case Study using both the teaching and the biographical research from this course.

· Choose a historical church leader after the Great Reformation (1500) and discuss the Fivefold functions that you observe in their ministry. What are their primary and secondary 5-fold gift/functions? Use biographical examples, course teaching (lecture and textbooks), and  Biblical examples to back up your findings.  What are the personal character strengths and weaknesses/flaws of the leader you selected. How do they relate to the overall fruitfulness/legacy of their lives and their ministry.
· Note: Many of these leaders didn’t have a grid or language for the apostolic or the Fivefold, so you will have to look for the primary functions and fruit that came out of their ministry from your biographical research. 
· Use at least three outside resources to complete this assignment. Do not just cut and paste the information you found on the internet, summarize in your own words. You may paste quotes, single paragraphs as long as you properly give credit to the author and cite your source in the References section of your paper. 
· Some leader suggestions: Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, William Wilberforce, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody, William Booth, William Seymour, Carl Barth, Aimée Semple McPherson, Billy Sunday, Watchman Nee, Kathrine Kuhlman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dennis Bennett, Myles Munroe, Bill Bright, Chuck Smith, John Wimber, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Jack Hayford, Rick Warren OR choose your own

· Week 5 – Model for Transformational Leadership

Study Assignments 


The Reformation of Church Leadership – Read Chapter 9 

Five-Fold Females – Read Chapters 1, 4, & 5 

The Five Fingers of God – Read Chapter 9 


Watch the Mark Tubbs Five-Fold Ministry Lecture 4

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts.



Mark Tubbs – Video Lecture Five-Fold Ministry 4URL

Watch the video session: 

Play Video


Week 5 Discussion – Model for Transformational Leadership


Week 5 Discussion – Model for Transformational Leadership
Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts.

1. In 
The Reformation of Church Leadership chapter 9, Byron Hamilton describes the necessary spiritual culture for the Five-Fold to thrive in, i.e., honor, unity, etc. In your own words describe why these are important. 

2. Write about your favorite female from your reading of chapter 4 of 
Five-Fold Females. Read the Answering Objections to Female Leadership in chapter 5 and write a 2-paragraph apologetic for female leadership in the New Testament Church. 

3. Think about your church. Would you describe it as a five-fold church in terms of leadership and governance? Respond to the following based on your answer: If Yes… list the characteristics, traits, or practices that make it a five-fold church. If No… Describe the steps needed to make your church a five-fold church and describe the characteristics, traits, or practices that will make it a five-fold church. 

· Week 7 – Harnessing Stallions

Study Assignments 


The Reformation of Church Leadership – Chapters 10 & 11

Five-Fold Females – Chapter 6 

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts. 


Week 7 Discussion – Harnessing Stallions


Week 7 Discussion – Harnessing Stallions
Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts. 

1. One of the skills of an Apostle is to recognize emerging leaders. Describe the process and spiritual journey of leadership development in the context of Five-Fold ministry. Where are you in your own personal Five-Fold leadership development? 

2. Why are using the Five-Fold titles important and what are some concerns about by building an institution around the Five-Fold titles?  

3. Why is it important for Five-Fold ministers to build a spiritual legacy that joins the generations? Give a Biblical definition for legacy. 

4. In Chapter 6 of 
Five-Fold Females, Dr. Rob Covell writes briefly about building female inclusive local churches. Why is this important in the context of Five-Fold ministry? 

Week 8 – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers

Week 8 – Final Paper 

Write a 1500-word APA Final Paper. Post your Final Paper below and post a Peer Review copy. See the instructions below.



Define the Five-Fold Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Explain how these offices and functions synergistically work together to bring the Church into the fullness of Christ. 


Explain in your own words how the current Apostolic Reformation should accelerate revival in Christians’ lives, reform the Church, and produce culture change in the world at large? 


Write out your personal strategic plan outlining how you believe God desires to work His Five-Fold plan in your life. 


In the last section of your Final Paper, summarize your takeaways from the Empowering Five-Fold Ministers course. 


Week 8 – Final Paper – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers


Week 8 – Final Paper – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers
Write a 1500-word APA Final Paper. Post your Final Paper below and post a Peer Review copy. See the instructions below.
Define the Five-Fold Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Explain how these offices and functions synergistically work together to bring the Church into the fullness of Christ. 
Explain in your own words how the current Apostolic Reformation should accelerate revival in Christians’ lives, reform the Church, and produce culture change in the world at large? 
Write out your personal strategic plan outlining how you believe God desires to work His Five-Fold plan in your life. 
In the last section of your Final Paper, summarize your takeaways from the Empowering Five-Fold Ministers course. 

· Week 6 – Beyond the Church to the Marketplace

Study Assignments 


Modern-Day Apostles – Chapters 25, 26, 27, & 28 

Discussion Questions: 

Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts. 


Week 6 Discussion – Beyond the Church to the Marketplace


Week 6 Discussion – Beyond the Church to the Marketplace
Answer the Discussion Questions below and comment on 3 other posts. 

1. Describe how Marketplace Apostles work together with Nuclear Church Apostles. 

2. What are the parallels between the five-fold gifts and traditional marketplace functions? Did you see yourself in any of them? Which ones? Please explain.  

3. Do you think the argument for the five-fold in the marketplace is valid or is it too much of a stretch for you? Please explain.

4. Dr. C. Peter Wagner said that there were 3 things that change society: violence, knowledge, and wealth. What role does wealth play in the context of the five-fold ministry? 

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