Posted: February 26th, 2023


For models, see

Birdie the Cockatiel Links to an external site.


Waggy the Pinscher Links to an external site.

. (Revised Summer 2022)

Auto-ethnography must adhere exactly to teacher-dictated rubric. For models, see
Birdie the Cockatiel Links to an external site. and Waggy the Pinscher Links to an
external site. . (Revised Summer 2022)

Writing Assignment (Part 1): Efface “I”

1. On your Homepage, you should introduce yourself by completing the following
inside the introduction text field:

describe yourself through the eyes of your pet. (If you don’t have a pet, you may
describe yourself from the perspective of your best friend or from your child’s

(This is the most important part of the assignment; it is a writing exercise, so be sure to
proofread and edit carefully.)

Tip: You may wish to compose your message in Microsoft Word, or in another word
processing program, and copy and paste it into the text box so that you can spell check
and save a copy–just in case it gets lost in cyberspace!

Note: This portion of the assignment must be written from the third person perspective,
effacing all forms of the word “I”.

2. When you are finished adding text to your homepage proceed to the next step.
(Click submit to save your work if you need to continue at a later time.)

3 . Check for spelling and proper punctuation. If you would like to edit your text,
simply follow the steps above again, and you will be able to modify or add to your text.

Part II: The Autoethnography: Deep Reflections on Self & Reality


Select a discourse community in your life that has its own culture, customs, rituals,
expectations, and perhaps its own language or dialect. Create this discourse for the
reader with vivid images. Show us what this discourse is all about perhaps with a

narrative-like structure. But more than a simple narrative, the auto-ethnography selects
and illustrates scenes that clarify and portray larger issues beyond the narrative itself,
issues like individuality and socialization. You will also describe and analyze how this
discourse has really shaped you. How has it contributed to your identity, your character,
even your goals and aspirations? Dig deep. Then dig deeper. Meditate, introspect,
transcend a narrow lens and unearth how this discourse community has played a
significant role in your individual and cultural evolution. The format/graphic/symbol you
use to create and reflect on this discourse community is yours to make.

To clarify, you are being asked, as would be done within any ethnography, to observe
someone (in this case yourself) inside a culture, to record what you see, and to
hypothesize about meaning and understanding just as all the researchers and writers
whom we have read in school and college have done. What does it-the discourse-all
mean, so to speak? Be honest, detailed, expressive, and intellectual. You are
establishing your own identity in the discourse community and sharing this identity with
your reader.


● Your creation for the reader of your discourse community and personal reality
through attention to important rituals, customs, traditions, languages, and
respective realities.

● The depth of your critical analysis in how this discourse has shaped you,
incorporating key class themes, terms, and perspectives that relate to your
own experience, or relate to how you have re-experienced this discourse

● Your honesty and vulnerability with the reader. In other words, your attempt
to be personal, divulging, and expressive with your inner thoughts, feelings,
and realizations.

● Your formal and academic writing style. Connect with your voice, but with
professionalism, taking Lessons 1, 2, and 3 readings as samples of such
intellectual styles.

● Your careful organization of the aforementioned through development of
points, ideas, emotions, experiences, and the like, so that your paper is a
thoughtful and well-structured account of this discourse community and its
effect on you, thus flowing from one idea to the next in a sequence which
effectively guides the reader through your thought processes and evolution.

● Your basic MLA style formatting, grammar, and mechanics, roughly 5-12
sentences to be effectively weaved into the last paragraph of your homepage,
along with other ideas required in that second paragraph. No works cited
page is necessary, but you are required to quote Derek Bok (EAA) and to

quote one of your favorite thinkers or websites or books or readings to fully
develop your ideas and to achieve the highest grade possible.


● Think about your ideas A LOT before writing anything down, while driving,
showering, walking to class, etc. Get ideas flowing so that you come to the
screen prepared.

● Prewrite for at least 10 minutes on what this homepage bit is going to be,
what it’s supposed to be doing. Outline, freewrite, list points, and finally begin
your physical draft.

● Do not worry about mechanics until the end, and do not attempt to organize
everything perfectly at the beginning. Simply begin developing your ideas in
5-12 sentences. (11.6)

The following section is a repeat of Writing Assignment (Part 2): Discourse Community

Now, add to your introduction by explaining how the graphic you chose represents you.
(This is the second part of the writing assignment; you will not earn full points unless
you include this explanation in your home page.)

Under the graphic section you just added to your homepage, explain how the
image you posted represents your personality.

Explain one goal that you wish to accomplish as a result of taking this English
class; and,

Explain why you signed up for a computer class.
Check for spelling and proper punctuation. If you would like to edit your text,

simply follow the steps above again and you will be able to modify or add to
your text.

Click on “Submit” to submit the information you have entered.

6. Be sure to “Publish” your website so that others may view it. If you do not publish
the site, you will not be able to receive a grade.

As a test to see if your website has been published, attempt opening it within another
browser on your computer.

· Congratulations, you have completed the homepage assignment!

· After the posted due date, you will present your Student Homepage to the
tribunal along with hardcopy to Dr. Gill for a final grade.

In the next Lesson, we will be voting on the best page and the winner will earn extra
participation points. Good Luck!

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