Posted: February 26th, 2023

Graduate Internship Preparation feb 16

KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 7
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA

The Job Search – Learning About Job Search Strategies

Week 7 Learning objectives (Harris, 2021)

Upon completion of week 7 assignments and discussion forum responses students

should be able to:

• Explain the importance of personal branding as part of the job search

• Prepare a professional LinkedIn profile and utilize the tools and features to position
the profile or their chosen career path

Week 7 Discussion Forum (Harris, 2021)

1. Watch the following videos:

Here is a series YouTube videos on using LinkedIn for your job search:

Chapter 1: Setting up an Account

Chapter 2: Creating a Profile—that stands out!

Chapter 3: Connections/Recommendations

Chapter 4: Joining/following companies and groups

2. After watching these videos, comment on what skills and knowledge you would
focus on when building your personal branding information for a potential job

3. Respond to at least two other students’ posting in this forum.

Week 7 Assignment (Harris, 2021)

1. List your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats then discussion how

your chosen career path will maximize your strengths and minimize your


KG689 Graduate Internship Preparation
Lesson Plan: Week 7
Dr. D. Tennyson, DBA

The Job Search – Learning About Job Search Strategies


Harris, R. M. (2021). Sections and Assignments Developed by Dr. Roberta M. Harris,

Associate Vice President, King Graduate School, Monroe College

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