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Annotated Bibliography: Marcus Garvey, a Historical Game-Changer

Source 1

Type of Resource: Secondary

Author’s Name: Jérémie Kroubo Dagnini

Title of the Work: Marcus Garvey: A Controversial Figure in the History of Pan-Africanism

Publisher: Africa World Press


APA Reference List Citation: Dagnini, J. K. (2008). Marcus Garvey: A controversial figure in the history of Pan-Africanism. 
Journal of Pan African studies, 

Summary: The journal article acknowledges Marcus Garvey as the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and as a Pan-Africanist. The source is relevant to this research as it addresses controversies around Marcus Garvey, for example, his preference for Christianity over African religions. The author describes Garvey’s ideologies about African pride as a strategy to put western culture on a pedestal.

Source 2

Type of Resource: Secondary

Author’s Name: Thandeka K. Chapman

Title of the Work: Foundations of Multicultural Education: Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association

Publisher: JSTOR.


APA Reference List Citation: Chapman, T. K. (2004). Foundations of multicultural education: Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association. 
Journal of Negro Education,
73(4), pp. 424-434.

Summary: The article describes Marcus Garvey’s contribution to multicultural education. The source also explains the importance of the 1920s movement in promoting African-American history. It also states the importance of UNIA in teaching black history in schools.

Source 3

Type of Resource: Secondary.

Author’s Name: Adam Ewing.

Title of the Work: The Age of Garvey.

Publisher: Princeton University Press.


APA Reference List Citation:

Ewing, A. (2014).
The age of Garvey: How a Jamaican activist created a mass movement and changed global black politics. Volume 18 in 

America in the World

. Princeton University Press.

Summary: The book explains Marcus Garvey’s contributions in African-American history since 1917. It explains the rise of Garveyism during the First and Second World Wars. The book applies to this research as it explains the achievements and challenges faced by Marcus Garvey during his time.

Source 4

Type of Resource: Secondary

Author’s Name: Amy Jacques Garvey.

Title of the Work: The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.

Publisher: Routledge.


APA Reference List Citation:

Garvey, A. J. (2013). 
The philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey: Africa for the Africans. Routledge.

Summary: The book dwells on Marcus Garvey’s input in the learning of Black history and the exploration of cultural traditions. The author provides insights into the African struggles for liberty and representation in the political arena.

Source 5

Type of Resource: Primary.

Author’s Name: Marcus Garvey.

Title of the Work: Universal Negro Improvement Association.

Publisher: N/A.


APA Reference List Citation:

Stein, J. (1991). 
The world of Marcus Garvey: Race and class in modern society. LSU Press.

Summary: The letter was addressed to Mr. Dubois, and Marcus Garvey was requesting financial assistance to support his movement. This primary source is relevant to this research because it indicates Marcus Garvey’s efforts to improve the well-being of the Black race.

Part II. Research Considerations

The main challenge faced while finding sources for this research is content similarity. There needs to be more research on Marcus Garvey, as books and journals provide the same information. However, some articles cover the controversies surrounding Marcus Garvey, thus providing counter-arguments. One question for the instructor is: Should I analyze Marcus Garvey’s contribution in a historical context, or should it be up to date?


Chapman, T. K. (2004). Foundations of multicultural education: Marcus Garvey and the United Negro improvement association. 
Journal of Negro Education, 424-434.

Dagnini, J. K. (2008). Marcus Garvey: A Controversial Figure in the History of Pan-Africanism. 
Journal of Pan African studies, 

Ewing, A. (2014).
The age of Garvey: How a Jamaican activist created a mass movement and changed global black politics. Volume 18 in 

America in the World

. Princeton University Press.

Garvey, A. J. (2013). 
The philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey: Africa for the Africans. Routledge.

Stein, J. (1991). 
The world of Marcus Garvey: Race and class in modern society. LSU Press.

Image Source: University of Northern Colorado

Although Marcus Garvey had a preference for Christianity and Western cultures at the expense of native African religions and cultures, he is among the prominent black activists who fought for multicultural education, diasporic politics, and nationalism among black communities through UNIA.
Thesis Statement

The proposed research paper seeks to evaluate Marcus Garvey’s contribution to black nationalism through his fight for multicultural education and diasporic politics among black communities despite his preference for Christianity and Western civilization.

Garvey masterminded the promotion of multicultural education.
Garvey wanted an education system that promoted African Americans’ learning needs.
He played a vital role in the education reforms of the 1920s.
Supporting Point 1
Image Source: (Norman, 2022)

The first supporting point examines how Garvey masterminded the promotion of multicultural education. He wanted a multicultural education system that promoted the learning needs of African Americans equally to Whites. He used UNIA to advocate for reforms that would see an inclusive education system, allowing Blacks to learn. Garvey was among the major activists who influenced educational reforms in the 1920s (Chapman, 2004). He believed that American would be an inclusive society where all persons, including African Americans could participate in different societal spheres.

Garvey influenced the formation of the mass political system and the development of diasporic politics that quickly spread throughout the Black communities in the United States and globally.
Supporting Point 2
Image Source: (Hall, 2021).

The second supporting point evaluates how Garvey influenced the establishment of the mass political systems and the development of diasporic politics that would help Black communities increasingly unite. Garvey advocated for the unification of the African diaspora and Africans, the end of colonialism across Africa, and the need for political unity in the African continent. He campaigned for mass political systems and diasporic politics to unite Africans and the African diaspora (Ewing, 2016). Garvey used UNIA to push for reforms that would establish freedom for the blacks and ensure their empowerment.

Garvey was the central force in the Negro American Nationalism and the African and West Indian integration movements.
Supporting Point 3
Image Source: (South African History Online, n.d.)

The third supporting point examines how Garvey pushed the Negro American Nationalism and the African and West Indian integration ideologies. Garvey’s central idea was pushing for economic, social, and political reforms that would trigger equality among all races and ethnic groups. He wanted to see a society where African Americans and other racial minorities had equal opportunities to develop. His ideas triggered massive nationalism among Blacks and ethnic minority groups in America and globally (Garvey, 2013). Garvey positioned himself as a vital force in liberating African Americans and other minority groups in America.

Garvey was a Jamaican-born black activist.
He was born in 1887 in Jamaica.
He spent time in Jamaica, Britain, and the United States.
Garvey advocated for black nationalism across the globe.
Background Information
Image Source: (WellQuo, n.d.).

Garvey was a Jamaican-born black activist who laid the foundation for black nationalism. He was born in 1887 in Jamaica but traversed different countries across America and Europe. He mainly engaged in his foundational works in Jamaica, Britain, and the United States, but his ideologies spread and gained momentum globally (Chapman, 2004).

Source: Chapman, T. K. (2004). Special focus: parenting, family, and youth – Foundations of multicultural education: Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association. The Journal of Negro Education, 73(4), 424- 434.
The source examines Garvey’s fight for multicultural education.
It highlights one of Garvey’s contributions to liberating Black communities.
Primary Source

Chapman (2004) is one of the primary sources used in the research. In the article, the authors examine Garvey’s foundational work in fighting for multicultural education, especially in the United States, through UNIA. The article demonstrates how Garvey influenced educational reforms in America in the 1920s. His influence saw most states in the United States adopt the UNIA chapters on multicultural education. The source provides literature to support Garvey’s foundational work for black nationalism, especially his struggles to ensure that African Americans had an opportunity to get an education.

Garvey made influential contributions.
Despite intimidation, he was determined to liberate the Blacks (Ewing, 2016).
His efforts are evident today.
America has gradually grown into an inclusive society.
Historical Fact
Image Source: (Wiscoh, 2016)

Marcus Garvey stands out in the history of black nationalism as an individual who fought bravely to ensure African Americans and other minorities attained liberation and Africans united. Despite intimidation, especially through imprisonment, Garvey was determined to accomplish his course and liberate the Black community. He is among the activities whose efforts have made America an inclusive society. Although America struggles with racism, the problem is not to the extent it was in the 1900s. Today, minority groups, including Blacks, have the right to participate in mainstream politics and education. However, Garvey had individual weaknesses.

Garvey advocated for Black nationalism and liberation.
However, he supported Christianity.
Garvey overlooked African religion.
He also pedestalized Western civilization over African culture (Dagnini, 2008).
Counter Idea

Although Garvey played a major role in laying the foundations for Black nationalism, some of his ideologies contrasted with his advocacy. Garvey supported Christianity, a western religion, and overlooked African religion. Additionally, he pedestalized Western civilization as the ideal and decent way of life while despising African cultures (Dagnini, 2008). These ideologies were a major drawback in Garvey’s work. As a Black activist, Garvey needed to support African religion and culture due to their influence on communities and societies’ way of life. Liberating Blacks required respecting and preserving their cultural values, religions, and traditions. However, despite the drawbacks, Garvey’s foundational work triggered Blacks to fight for equal rights and liberation.

Chapman, T. K. (2004). Special focus: parenting, family, and youth – Foundations of multicultural education: Marcus Garvey and the United Negro Improvement Association. The Journal of Negro Education, 73(4), 424- 434.
Dagnini, J. K. (2008). Marcus Garvey: A controversial figure in the history of PanAfricanism. Journal of Pan African Studies, 2(3).
Ewing, A. (2016). The age of Garvey: How a Jamaican activist created a mass movement and changed global black politics. Journal for the Study of Radicalism, 10(2), 153–155.
Garvey, A. J. (2013). The philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey or Africa for the Africans. Routledge Publishers.
Hall, M., M. (2021). The puzzling political powerlessness of the Kenyan diaspora [Photograph]. Elephant.
Norman, B. (2022). Critical multicultural education: an overview [Photograph]. Gyeonggi- Do Institute for Global Education.
South African History Online. (n.d.). African nationalism [Photograph].
University of Northern Colorado. (n.d.). Marcus Garvey Cultural Center [Photograph].
WellQuo. (n.d.). Marcus Garvey quotes [Photograph].
Wiscoh. (2016). Marcus Mosiah Garvey [Photograph].

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