Posted: February 28th, 2023


managing an event



In this assignment, you will complete a questionnaire in which you will analyze an experience with managing a specific event or project. Review the Atha Questionnaire Template [DOCX] and use it and the scenario below to complete this assignment.


Atha markets its product—unique lighting products (wall, pendant, floor, table, and nightlights)—through a series of regional distributors and an online marketplace. The CEO has asked her leadership team to nominate managers within their areas to spearhead a project to help Atha achieve its corporate goals.

A short time later, you received the following e-mail from your director:


I have nominated you to manage a project for the CEO of Atha Corporation. To be considered, I need you to provide responses to the questions in the attached document. Please return your completed document to me within seven business days.


Katie Hart

Director – Atha Corporation


Respond to the scenario by completing the Atha Questionnaire Template [DOCX].

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

· Written communication: Use correct grammar and mechanics and express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.

· Format: Use the Atha Questionnaire document to complete the assignment.

· Length: 750–900 words.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Portfolio Prompt: You should consider adding this assignment to your personal ePortfolio. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.

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