Posted: February 28th, 2023


Module 4 – SLP


1. Review all of the information that you have gathered throughout the term and develop a sustainability plan for your program.

2. Do a brief assessment of your plan and discuss how you can strengthen it.

Length: 2–3 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list.


MOD 2 SLP Strategic Planning

Trident International University

Alexandria Williams

28 January 29, 2023



Strategies and initiatives

Short-term outcomes

Intermediate outcomes

Long-term outcomes


• Centers for primary medical treatment. Providers, employees

• Health care professionals, weight management services, community or clinic-based programs

• An official in charge of leadership and community benefits


• Weight management programs

• Advisory committees on food policy

•Non-profit Organizations

State and other partners

• Administrative offices for Medicare and Medicaid

• Institutions responsible for education (early care education)

• Leisure and sports parks

• Supplemental nutrition support program

Interventions or implementation activities


• Schools 

• Early care education 

• Health care services

• Non-profit group serving the local community

Target populations

• The child or adolescent 

• The parent or primary caregiver 

• The community

• Advance and develop 

• Mobilize and communicate throughout all sectors of society


• Determine and encourage the implementation of critical policies that are complementary to interventions and activities

• Work in concert with many stakeholders and agents of change to put policies into effect.


• Availability of healthier alternatives

• The availability of medical treatment

• The availability of less healthful choices

• Participation in preventative programs

• Knowledge and comprehension of appropriate and suitably healthy actions

Heath care system s

• the supplier of expertise and information 

• the provider of programs and their availability


• People’s awareness of the situation and their familiarity with it

• Work in conjunction with the communities and the health care program

• Make preventative measures and programs both accessible and available


• A familiarity among agents of change with the policies that encourage the selection of healthier options

• The implementation of policies


• Engaging in physical exercise

• A community that is choosing better and more nutritious choices

• Consuming only nutritious meals

• Overall improved diet

• Self-management for making healthy choices and comorbidities connected to those choices

Healthcare system

• Family involvement

• Quality care provision


• Support for environmental and policy initiatives

• It will be years before we observe any changes to this result.

• Improvements in many health and biometric metrics

• The well-being of parents and their productivity at work

• Improved standard of living

• The decreased prevalence of obesity

• Decreased death rate and incidence of disease

A logical model represents how an undertaking or an attempt is expected to operate so that others may understand it. It explains why your method is an excellent answer to the issue currently being considered. A good logic model would make a statement that is unambiguous and frequently graphic on the actions that would lead to change and the anticipated outcomes for the community and its inhabitants. A logic model encourages participants in the activity to move in the same direction, which offers a common language and a source of reference for the people involved. A logic model, similar to a road map, illustrates the path that must be followed (or the actions that must be completed) to arrive at a particular location (Smith, 2020). A thorough model explains in detail how each action will bring about the intended results in the system. Alternatively, a more comprehensive plan will include the routes that will be taken as well as how far you will go. This part of a logic model acts as a road map, revealing the sequence in which things occur and what causes them. You may need to pause at different locations throughout the globe in order to assess your advancement and make any required modifications.

A logic model is another way to describe the reasoning that went into the planning of an initiative. It outlines why the program should work and why it can triumph where prior efforts have failed. This component of a logic model is referred to as the “program theory” or “rationalization.” A logic model renders the program designers’ assumptions clear by describing the issue or opportunity at hand and demonstrating how the intervention actions will react to it. Stakeholders are brought together as part of establishing the model to describe the aims of the program and the principles that guide it, as well as to determine the efforts’ methods and intended results (Kumanyika, 2019).

A MAP-IT framework or program planning is often employed to define national health objectives. These objectives give data and tools that make it possible for people, cities, towns, and states to unite their efforts to attain them. They both follow a comparable route to achievement, much like the evolution of the logic model. Even though the two models use distinct routes to accomplish the objective. When developing a program, it is critical to establish a logic model to successfully affect outcomes, also known as long-term changes in participants’ lives (Hansen, 2017). In addition, it acts as a planning tool that helps establish program strategy and enhances your capacity to accurately describe both the process and the conclusion of the plan.


Caboral-Stevens, M., Gee, M., Kachaturoff, M., & Wu, T. Y. MAP-IT in Action: Developing a Plan to Improve the Food Systems Frequented by Bangladeshi Americans Living in Hamtramck, Michigan.

Hansen, S., Kanning, M., Lauer, R., Steinacker, J. M., & Schlicht, W. (2017). MAP-IT: a practical tool for planning complex behavior modification interventions. 
Health promotion practice, 
18(5), 696-705.

Kumanyika, S. K. (2019). A framework for increasing equity impact in obesity prevention. 
American Journal of Public Health, 
109(10), 1350-1357.

Smith, J. D., Li, D. H., & Rafferty, M. R. (2020). The implementation research logic model: a method for planning, executing, reporting, and synthesizing implementation projects. 
Implementation Science, 
15, 1-12.



Alexandria Williams

Trident International University

10 February 2023

Action Plan

One of the strategies we are developing an action plan for is providing education on cancer to Asian communities. The Asian communities need education on the disease to have an understanding. Provision of information and educate the people affected in different areas, such as the treatment. The other strategy is to provide Asian-based interventions to the community. Since the Asian American community is the most affected by the disease, it is essential to tailor interventions that benefit the people. The action plan consists of the goal definition, a list of the tasks, and identifying critical studies. This action plan aims to vail interventions that benefit the Asia Americans most affected by cancer (Garnett, 2021). Therefore the main goal is to ensure there is available information to every cancer patient, which allows them to understand their situation. In addition, the provision of Asian interventions is essential. This is through the provision of interventions which specifically benefit the group. This is by ensuring there are enough interventions such as the provision of information, provision of treatments, and also how to support the patients. These goals lead to better treatment of Asian Americans with cancer. The second step of the action plan is creating a list of activities. The activities include how to avail the materials needed to inform the people. This is to ensure information is created that benefits people about the treatment and creates awareness around the issue. They are finally identifying the critical tasks. The critical tasks in this action plan are the tasks that help in achieving the set goals. These include the provision of information to the community. These tasks include the provision of reading materials and also online campaigns which create awareness. This action plan will lead to the targeted community getting the help they need.

Relationship between the strategic plan and an action plan

A future vision may be gained via the use of a strategic plan. One may use it to establish priorities, determine how resources should be distributed, and bring together stakeholders, employees, executives, elected officials, and residents behind a shared vision for the company or community. After a strategic plan has been produced, the next step is to design an action plan for putting that strategy into action. An action plan puts the strategy in the heads, hearts, and hands of the persons who will execute the strategic plan and have a real, measurable impact. This is done by putting the strategy in the hands of the individuals who will execute the strategic plan (Weishaar et al., 2019). The action plan “operationalizes” the strategic plan, and it is the action plan that “brings the strategy to life.” You may help team members feel relevant, valuable, and interested in their work by assigning them tasks and responsibilities and providing them with the resources they need to align their efforts with the plan. This is accomplished via the use of a plan of action. By having both a strategic plan and an action plan in place, the business can better transform its strategy from a two-dimensional blueprint into a success that can be proved.

Competencies of the healthcare professionals as related to creating the action plan

Executives from the healthcare industry who were members of the Healthcare Leadership Alliance collaborated to determine healthcare practitioners’ needed skills and abilities. Communication, leadership, professionalism, knowledge, and the ability to conduct business effectively are the five fundamental qualities used to classify the capabilities. The competencies are essential in creating the action plan (Anderson et al., 2019). The team can more clearly define its goals and objectives with an effective communication strategy. The plan may act as a communications road map detailing where one has to go and how to get there. Describe the interrelationships that exist between the target demographics, the messages, the distribution methods, the activities, and the resources.


Anderson, M., Schulze, K., Cassini, A., Plachouras, D., & Mossialos, E. (2019). A governance framework for developing and assessing national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
: the Lancet Infectious Diseases, 
19(11), e371-e384.

Garnett, S. T. (2021). 
The action plan for Australian birds 2020. CSIRO publishing.

Weishaar, H., Hurrelmann, K., Okan, O., Horn, A., & Schaeffer, D. (2019). Framing health literacy: A comparative analysis of national action plans. 
Health Policy, 
123(1), 11-20.

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