Posted: February 28th, 2023

Needs Assessment and Job Analysis

Assessment Description

During this course, you will develop materials that support the human resource process from acquiring, developing, and leveraging on employee strengths. This project is broken into four separate assignments due in Topics 2, 3, 5, and 7.

In this assignment, conduct a needs assessment and develop a job description for your current organization or a preapproved organization that you have access to interact with. If you are not currently in an organization, inform your instructor of the organization you will use to complete this project. They must approve your selection prior to beginning your assignment and you must have the ability to observe employees and functions within that organization.

Part 1 – Needs Assessment and Job Analysis

Observe and assess the state of your current organization or another preselected organization. A needs assessment is necessary to identify areas for potential growth, both at the employee and organizational levels. If you are not in a position to look holistically at your organization, you can focus on a department or team within the organization. Use the “Needs Assessment and Job Analysis Matrices” template to complete this assignment. You are required to analyze required core functions, department or employment needs, jobs or tasks, and current/required trainings in order to complete these matrices and prepare for the next part of this assignment.

Part 2 – Job Description

Once your needs assessment is complete, you are required to select an existing position in your organization and develop a one-page, professionally formatted, and detailed job description for that position that is informed by the findings of the needs assessment. It is recommended that you take the time to conduct a job analysis and observe current employees in the selected positions to accurately depict the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that must be incorporated into the job description. If you are unable to observe, do your best to accurately depict the specific functions of the job. Incorporate any new job roles you feel should be added to the position based on your findings. Make sure the job description is based on the needs and available resources of the organization and that it adheres to all applicable labor laws.

Cite and reference a minimum of two scholarly sources with one being the textbook.

Submit the “Needs Assessment and Job Analysis Matrices” template and the one-page job description as two deliverables.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric.  Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. 


Needs Assessment and Job Analysis Matrices

Definition: A needs assessment is the process organizations use to determine if training is necessary for its employees.

Note: This template serves as a guide to complete the needs assessment of your current or selected organization. You are allowed to manipulate the categories to obtain the information you require in order to complete the assignment.

Needs Assessment Matrix


Core Function(s) of Department

List of Jobs or Tasks of Department

Current Department or Employee Needs

Current Trainings/ Required Trainings to Meet Department or Employee Needs

Job Analysis Matrix

Definition: A job analysis is a process used to acquire detailed information about a specific job. The analysis will support the development of a job description based on the needs of the organization.

Note: This template serves as a guide to complete the job analysis following the needs assessment of an organization to create a job description. You are allowed to manipulate the categories to obtain the information you require in order to complete the assignment.

List Tasks, Duties, and Responsibilities

List Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Other Core Competencies and Education

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Acquiring Employees – Rubric

Needs Assessment 24 points

Criteria Description

Paper includes needs assessment and areas for

potential growth.

5. Target 24 points

A comprehensive needs assessment is included and well developed. The needs

assessment addresses areas for potential growth and includes multiple examples

from each

area analyzed.

4. Acceptable 20.88 points

A detailed needs assessment is included and complete. The needs assessment

addresses areas for potential growth and includes at least one example from each

area analyzed.

3. Approaching 18.96 points

A needs assessment is included and complete but minimally addresses areas for

potential growth.

2. Insufficient 17.76 points

A needs assessment matrix is included but is incomplete or lacks detail.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Job Analysis 24 points

Criteria Description

Paper includes job analysis and ties to the needs assessment information.

5. Target 24 points

A comprehensive job analysis is included and well developed. The job analysis

covers several relevant job requirements, related candidate capabilities, and other

essentials. Analysis clearly ties to the needs assessment information.

4. Acceptable 20.88 points

Collapse All

A detailed job analysis is included and is thorough and complete. The job analysis

covers relevant job requirements, related candidate capabilities, and other

essentials. Analysis ties to the needs assessment information.

3. Approaching 18.96 points

A job analysis is included and complete but minimally covers relevant job

requirements, related candidate capabilities, and other essentials. Analysis

somewhat ties to the needs assessment information.

2. Insufficient 17.76 points

Job Description 36 points

Criteria Description

Paper includes job description with details of corporate research to determine


knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics to incorporate in the job


5. Target 36 points

A job description is included and provides details of corporate research conducted

during analysis. A thorough job analysis is conducted to determine necessary

knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics to incorporate in the job

description. The job description is clear and well developed to appeal to potential


4. Acceptable 31.32 points

A job description is included and provides details of corporate research conducted

during analysis. A thorough job analysis is conducted to determine necessary

knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics to incorporate in the job


3. Approaching 28.44 points

Job description is included. A job analysis is conducted to determine necessary

knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics to incorporate in the job


2. Insufficient 26.64 points

Job description is incomplete or lacks detail

Job Description Layout 12 points

Criteria Description

Argument Logic and Construction

5. Target 12 points

The job description layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall

message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is

appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and

colors enhance the readability of the text.

4. Acceptable 10.44 points

The job description layout background and text complement each other and enable

the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies

appropriately for headings and text.

3. Approaching 9.48 points

The job description uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately.

Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics,

bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance


2. Insufficient 8.88 points

The job description layout shows some structure but appears cluttered and busy or

distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall

readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or

busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text.

Evidence 12 points

Criteria Description

Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose; considers

other perspectives.

5. Target 12 points

Comprehensive and compelling evidence is included. Multiple other perspectives

are integrated effectively.

4. Acceptable 10.44 points

Specific and appropriate evidence is included. Other perspectives are integrated.

3. Approaching 9.48 points

Relevant evidence that includes other perspectives is used.

2. Insufficient 8.88 points

Evidence is used but is insufficient or of limited relevance. Simplistic explanation or

integration of other perspectives is present.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Mechanics of Writing 6 points

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence

structure, etc.

5. Target 6 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence

structure are used throughout.

4. Acceptable 5.22 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence

structure are used.

3. Approaching 4.74 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally

appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

2. Insufficient 4.44 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language

choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

Format/Documentation 6 points

Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level;

documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc.,

appropriate to assignment and discipline.

5. Target 6 points

No errors in formatting or documentation are present. Selectivity in the use of

direct quotations and synthesis of sources is demonstrated.

4. Acceptable 5.22 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor


3. Approaching 4.74 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious


2. Insufficient 4.44 points

Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors

in documentation of sources are evident.

Total 120 points

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