Posted: February 28th, 2023

NURS 687L Week 7

Please see instructions attached.


Throughout your career, you will often be asked to consult on patients and provide various letters. Some examples include a primary care provider who may ask you to see their patient who they feel is too young or too complex for them to manage. When they have referred this patient to you, it is a professional courtesy to write a letter thanking them for the referral,
explaining your diagnosis and treatment plans (remember has to be a psychiatric diagnosis). Patients may ask you to write letters to the school or to their employer to excuse an absence or for school/ work accommodations. These are appropriate requests; however, you need to be aware that you must not violate HIPPA laws when writing these letters.

For your signature assignment, choose a patient that you have seen during your clinicals to write a professional letter. The letter can either be:

· a consultation letter that you would send back to a primary care provider who referred a patient to you to update them on the status of the patient or

· a school/ work for recommendations for a patient who needs special accommodations, FMLA, IEP, or 504.

Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Please follow rubric

30 pts

80 pts

NURS 687L Signature Assignment Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identifies nature of letter

30 pts


Provides an opening statement in which the nature of the letter is identified- either giving individualized work or school physical limitations/ recommendations or thanking a referring provider.

22.5 pts


The opening statement is vague in providing the reason for the letter.

0 pts


The nature of the letter is not provided in a statement.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Confirms authorization for release of information

30 pts


Provides a statement confirming the patient has provided a HIPAA release which authorizes release of information.

0 pts


Does not provide a statement confirming the patient has provided a HIPAA release which authorizes release of information.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Impression

80 pts


Provides a concise discussion of the of the diagnosis that is appropriate for the situation and recipient of the letter.

60 pts


Provides a discussion of the of the diagnosis with some with some minor errors or that is not appropriate for the intended recipient.

40 pts

Needs Improvement

The discussion of the diagnosis is vague, missing, or inappropriate for the intended recipient of the letter.

20 pts


More than one element is vague, missing, or inappropriate for the intended recipient of the letter.

0 pts


No impression provided.

80 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Treatment Plan

80 pts


Describes a detailed plan for medications and laboratory orders that are clearly related to the primary diagnosis. The medications include all prescribing details. If labs are ordered, they are appropriate for the diagnosis and medication.

60 pts


Describes a detailed plan for medications and laboratory orders (if indicated). Some details may be vague or not clearly relevant to the primary diagnosis.

40 pts

Needs Improvement

Describes a general plan for medications and laboratory orders. There are several key missing details or items not relevant to the primary diagnosis.

20 pts


Describes a general plan for medications and laboratory orders that contains errors or is incorrect for the primary diagnosis.

0 pts


No medications and laboratory orders provided.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization/ Professionalism

20 pts


The note is well organized, succinct, and uses professional terms.

15 pts


The letter is mostly organized and with 1-2 minor mistakes in grammar or placement of information.

10 pts

Needs Improvement

Several mistakes in placement of information or word choice that impact the organization and clarity of the letter.

5 pts


Numerous mistakes in wording and placement of information. The letter is not well organized, unprofessional and is difficult to understand.

0 pts


Information unreadable, multiple mistakes in organization of data, information is unclear.

20 pts

Total Points: 240

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