Posted: February 26th, 2023

Peer Response 1

· Meaningfully respond to your classmate (i.e., Don’t just say “I agree” or “Great post.”). Respond in a way that will encourage further discussion.

· Ask a relevant question


in your response to your classmate. If needed, review the 

Writing Open-Ended Questions

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resource provided by the Writing Center.


Describe at least two ideas shared in both videos that appeal to you and state why these ideas appeal to you.

The first video described what an instructional designer does in process from a high-level view. The second video describes the various competencies and skillsets of an instructional designer in support of the process. I like both videos as a whole as both provide a short accurate explanation of what an instructional designer does. The first video might be used as a short description of the role of an instructional designer and the second used to provide the skillset competencies in performing the job function.


Develop a 1-2 sentence description you could give if asked what an instructional designer does.

A learning development deity which listens to a stakeholder needs, evaluates what knowledge, resources and skills are required to achieve a specific end state(s), to the desired results within a given time period and/or budgetary requirement.  (Hope humor is allowed).

Provides efficient and effective training solutions using conventional and unconventional methods, techniques and resources that meet customer needs to achieve desired learning outcome(s).


Using the principles and vocabulary associated types of instructional design in the Week 1


, explain how instructional design practice varies across industries.

Different industries have differing standards and educational environments in which the instructional designer must work. Where a university must meet accreditation standards to meet the requirements of all universities within the accreditation body, other industries may need to meet federal safety standards and differences in skills, contact time or knowledge level. Training development for a pizza shop may focus on quality of ingredients, preparation, sanitation, proper assembly, construction and bake time and all must be accomplished within a given time, or your pizza is free. Thus, different industries will have various needs that will require creative solutions to meet the desired outcome.


If anything shared in Week 1 Resources about instructional designer roles was confusing or otherwise unclear to you, mention that in your response to allow classmates and your instructor to offer assistance.

Not really confusing but not clear why educated people are so afraid to describe Instructional Design history as it happened and not strictly from a civilian viewpoint. What I know of Instructional Design began in the later part of the 1980’s when the US Air Force sought a better method to design and deliver training with an intent for greater effectivity. This was answered by research conducted by Florida State University and the result of which led to adoption by the Air Force. The US Air Force established a training program to teach instructors on how to use and implement ADDIE (the result of the preceding FSU results) and would argue that this establishes the first professional Instructional designers. The Air Force Manual, AFMAN 36-2234 and associated handbook AFH 36-2235 definitely predate our text reference beginning in the early 2000’s. My introduction to ADDIE and continuous improvement processes came from a product of this program, Mr. George Nelson.  AFMAN 36-2234 was my bible that he would guide me through understanding ADDIE. AFH 36-2235 is a great resource that guides a person through the process. AFH 36-2235, Information For Designers of instructional Systems Application to Education. This is the earliest known direct implementation, for practical application, of ADDIE and instructional design that has led to an entire career field that I am aware of.  See:
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(Figure 1. We can see that this document predates 1993.)

Herin lies my confusion, why do people today need to try and make a different spin on what something actually is? ADDIE is a process and a simple model. Even our text tries to counter itself where it states in one area that it is a process and framework for other models and later references the Penn State University Four-Part definition, to further describe it directly as a model. Exhausting. ADDIE is intentionally designed to be flexible, and it is fluid in as a person moves through the process steps. I found the Chaos theory interesting as most large (involved) projects that I have been involved with the stakeholder(s) really do not know what they need in order to achieve the desired results. This in itself supports the Chaos theory association. I like KISS (Keep, It, Simple, Stupid) and really do not care about all the little nuances that a specific project presents, they will raise themselves as you go, but to the customer I think the transparency of how we are going to develop, and the generic timeline associated with a project suit fine for most applications. To me, ADDIE will always be a process and a simple model. Why can’t this industry embrace its’ history and call this what it is?

-Ken Fietz


AFMAN 36-2234, Instructional System Development.  Every
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AFH 36-2235, Instructional System Development . Every
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Instructional  Design Info graphic. elearning
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