Posted: February 26th, 2023


The benefit of early detection of an emerging infectious disease (EID) is obvious.  Recall that the sooner a countermeasure can be implemented, the smaller the epi-curve becomes.  Yet, we sometimes miss clues that are right in front of us. The point here is to recognize the very real linkages between human health and the environment.  These become more important when those environments overlap.  

What do I mean by that?  Do not all environments overlap?  Yes, but to varying degrees.  In developed nations, poultry, for example, is raised on farms and sold in markets of varying sophistication.  In many cultures, fowl are raised in and around the home.  It is not uncommon in Southeast Asia to see chickens roaming freely in houses.  This intimacy can result in atypical exposure and severe morbidity and mortality, as has been the case with the H5N1 influenza strain.  

The first step in effective global health is understanding what we face. After watching this video, offer your perspective on how the One Health concept could be useful in addressing the issue quickly and effectively. Offer the WHO role in reacting to zoonotic disease outbreaks in humans. 

APA format, 1 page, in-text citation, references include

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