Posted: February 26th, 2023

R w 6 see attachment

on time

Make a follow-up of a student’s weekly discussion and respond with your opinion regarding to her post

——You don’t have to post this in APA format necessarily, it’s just giving feedback to the student .

Julie Torres

Class and Professor,

One of the most necessary and first steps in data analysis, used for quantitative research is descriptive analysis.  Descriptive analysis uses statistical processes which describe, measure, and summarize collected data.  Week 6 lesson lists ways researchers can measure the data; which include: “measure to summarize, measure of central tendency, measure of variability, measure of position and relation, and summarizing using graphical presentation.” (Chamberlain, 2023).  Inferential analysis numerically measures the accuracy of results and make predictions on an entire population.  This type leaves room for uncertainty of the sample on the population or called sampling error. (Houser, 2023).  Qualitative analysis is a technique measuring non numerical data such as peoples experiences/perceptions to better understand their beliefs, point of view, and reality.  This technique can be very challenging and time consuming.  It allows the researcher to take part of the study.  Three main methods of qualitative analysis are: template, editing, and immersion.  This type of analysis reveals a deeper meaning. (Houser, 2023).  Interestingly, this form of analysis searches for deeper meaning, so the researcher must take extra steps to make sure the results are trustworthy and reliable.   Another interesting fact is that Houser explains the the “purpose of summarizing descriptive data for researches differs from the purpose of summarizing data for the readers.”

Data analysis is important to nursing practice.  As nurses, we use it everyday for things such as vitals, diseases, issues, length of stay, for quality improvement.  Analysis helps conclusions drive change in how we practice, evidence based practice, and to make a safer work environment for nurses.  Houser, p.414, states “Qualitative conclusions enhance the evidence for a holistic view of nursing practice.”

Statistical significance shows the reliability and validity of study results.  Whereas clinical significance reveal the impact on nursing practice and how interventions/treatments/methods, affect patients and outcomes.  Both are important.  Studies may be statistically significant, but not necessarily clinically relevant.  So clinical significance is of high importance for practice.  (Anaesth, 2021).


Chamberlain college of nursing, (2023). Week 6 lesson:  Findings: Analysis and results.

Houser, J., (2023). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence. (5th ed.). Jones and Bartlett.

Anaesth, S., (2021). Statistical significance or clinical significance ? A researcher’s dilemma for appropriate interpretation of research results. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. 15(4): 431–434 Retrieved from:,of%20the%20results%20or%20not Links to an external site.


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