Posted: February 26th, 2023

Read Directions (Child Dev)


——–>SEE ATTACHMENT for writing prompt for Original post

—>Remember this course is for School Counseling


*LINK TO SHORT VIDEO MUST WATCH  to help answer prompt

What Is the CASEL Framework?

——–>SEE ATTACHMENT for writing prompt for Original post
—>Remember this course is for School Counseling

Respond to the following prompts, in approximately one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences), by Wednesday February 15, 2023 USA PACIFIC DATE/TIME

1. Reflect on how you will foster knowledge, skills, and attitudes to framework a foundation for using evidence-based SEL strategies. How do you see using the

Group Reflection Protocol tool Links to an external site.

for SEL to facilitate discussion on implementation efforts in your school, district, or other setting?

2. MUST include a statement based on PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (Course is School counseling) 

Reading Reference: Links to an external site.

The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Essentials – Casel Schoolguide. (n.d.). 

The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Essentials

Due Wednesday, February 15, 2023, By 9:00 pm USA time/date

** Absolutely NO Plagiarism

***All writing must be original

****NO using writing or COPYING FROM COURSE HERO

***** My Instructor checks for plagiarism on Turn It In and on Safe assign

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