Posted: February 26th, 2023


Informative Speech Assignment

Assessment Description

In this assignment, you will construct an outline of an informative speech, then prepare and deliver the speech. In order to complete the assignment, research in your textbook the strategies for organizing the main ideas of a speech and how to organize supporting material.

Refer to the “Informative Speech


Instructions,” for a full description before attempting the assignment. (attached)

Note: Online students will present their speech to their instructor using a screencast video of themselves.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Rubric Criteria

Appropriateness of Topic

6 points

6 points

Clarity of Ideas

4 points

Interest and Vividness of Ideas

4 points

Communication with Audience

4 points

Quality of Research Sources

6 points

Meeting Time Limit

4 points

Quality of Presentation

6 points

Informative Speech Assignment

Time Limit: Four to six minutes would be recommended for a first speech.

Assignment: Students should select a topic of interest they feel qualified to speak on before the class. The topic should be of worth, and students will be asked to support their speech with four qualified sources; sources may be drawn from the internet or library.

Procedure: Students should construct an outline of their speech. Note that an outline is not a manuscript of the speech itself, but a skeleton of the ideas and materials that will be presented. Use the following as a guide.


General Purpose: To inform.

Specific Purpose: At the conclusion of my speech, my audience will be able to:


I. Attention Getter

II. Statement of Credibility

III. Audience Relation

IV. Central Idea

V. Preview


I. First main point:

A. ______________________________________

B. ______________________________________

1. ____________________________________

2. ___________________________________

C. ______________________________________

(First Necessary Transition)

II. Second main point:

A. ________________________________________

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

B. ________________________________________

(Second Necessary Transition)

III. Third main point:

A. _________________________________________

B. _________________________________________

C. _________________________________________

(Signal the Conclusion)


I. Summary (main points)

II. Central Idea (what is the significance of these points?)

III. Motivate an audience response (what should the audience do?)

IV. Close

Note: This is simply a model, and all presentations will have numerous variations. Some speakers may have only two main points while others may have five, and the sub structuring will be determined by the evidence presented. Nevertheless, all presentations will conform to this
direct sequence organization.

With the outline complete, students should transfer the key ideas and phrases to 3 × 5 or 4 × 6 note cards. Students will be allowed one note card for each main point presented, plus two additional cards to be used for the introduction and conclusion. In other words, for a three-point speech, students may use five cards. A four-point speech would have six cards.

Once these steps are complete, students should set aside at least two hours to
talk the speech out. Using the note cards, they should practice the speech until they feel fully confident about how it will be presented.

When you are confident of the content and ordering of the information of your speech, create a PowerPoint presentation from the note cards. There should be a minimum of 1 slide per card and a maximum of 2 slides per card.

Presentations will be graded on the following criteria:

1. Appropriateness of topic

2. Quality of outline

3. Clarity of ideas

4. Interest and vividness of ideas

5. Communication with the audience

6. Quality of research sources and accuracy of information

7. Ability to meet the stated time limit

8. Quality of presentation

All students are expected to incorporate an extemporaneous style of delivery. Any speech that is read can receive no higher than a “C.”

Please note: This is an informative speech. If at any time you feel you are attempting to reinforce or change audience attitudes, or that you are advocating a specific action, you are probably falling into the realm of persuasion. Persuasive presentations will receive a letter-grade deduction.

Online students will present their speech to their instructor using a screencast video of themselves. Ground students will present their speech based on instructor requirements, either via screencast video or in-class presentation (in-class presentation is preferred; however, number of students in the classroom may limit this delivery method).

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


Personal Perspective and the History of Applied Science Fields


Describe the historical background of your chosen field. Select a person you feel has made significant contributions to society, your field of study, and who has influenced you personally. Write a 500- to 750-word paper that includes the following:
• Explanation of why you chose your degree program/chosen field.
• Description of the required body of knowledge, educational requirements, and expectations of a career field.
• Description of one of the common problems that a professional in your chosen field would be working on.
• Research of a scientist who contributed to the advancement of your chosen profession and a description of their contributions within the discipline.
• Description of how your vocation may be influenced by diversity and how it affects communication.
• Description of your own view of vocation, how your future contributions would be informed by the values of the Christian worldview, and how a calling to the sciences could be a service to God.
• Develop a graphic model for obtaining a position in a given profession, including the required body of knowledge and qualifications.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Rubric Criteria

Explanation of Degree Program/Chosen Field

6 points

Description of the Required Body of Knowledge, Educational Requirements, and Expectations

9 points

Description of a Common Problem

9 points

Research of Scientist and Their Contributions

6 points

Description of How Vocation May Be Influenced by Diversity and How It Affects Communication

6 points

Description of Vocation, Future Contributions and Values of the Christian Worldview

9 points

Graphic Model

6 points

Mechanics of Writing

3 points

Paper Format

3 points

Documentation of Sources

3 points

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