Posted: February 26th, 2023

Technology report

Pointers on formatting 

health care

 You are to write an “essay on the impact and potential of advances in artificial intelligence and technology on the delivery of health care in the U.S.,” which is intentionally vague.  Though vague, I want you to find or develop an angle or a focus that you can unwrap…do a deep dive…do justice to…within the length requirements specified.  Do not do a 
survey of trends or try to provide a 
comprehensive overview of the topic.  State your focus at the beginning.

Write a 5-7-page, double-line spaced essay on the impact and potential of advances in artificial intelligence and technology on the delivery of health care in the U.S.  Go beyond what’s in the video for your essay, and provide a specific focus on hospitals.  Do not include any tables, charts, or graphics of any type.  A minimum of five external sources (not counting your textbook and the film) must be used.

Your title/cover and reference pages do not count toward the page length requirement.  The rubric for this assignment is in Appendix A of our syllabus.  Your essay must be submitted in MSWord file format only.  Upload your paper to the assignment dropbox on our course website by March 7.

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