Posted: February 26th, 2023

Unit 6.1 DB: 19th Century Reforms


Evaluate the importance of 19th-century religious revival on social reform. How did religion influence abolition, women’s rights, and/or the temperance movement? How are these reforms related to each other and how did they influence the changing culture of the United States?

When responding to classmates, include additional information for why you agree with their position or information explaining why you do not agree with their position.

Make sure to provide cited information to support your position. All work must be in APA format.

Unit 6 – Reform Movements

 In Unit 6, we will focus on the role individuals and religion played in making social changes in 19th century America and how these changes helped shape American culture. Some of the biggest reform concerns to arise during this time included the Women’s Rights Movement and abolition. Though all social reform issues showed support for opposing sides, the conversation around slavery ultimately split the nation.


· Identify and critically evaluate the role of individuals and religious groups influencing 19th-century social reform

· Analyze the impact of slavery on the southern economy and society

· Critically evaluate and compare the conflicting opinions over the issue of slavery and identify the major players in the abolition movement

· Critically evaluate and explain how the abolition movement influenced the Women’s Rights Movement


· Read, view/review Unit Readings & Resources

· Actively participate in Unit Discussion(s)

· Continue working on Final Research paper

· Submit Checkpoint #2: Thesis Statement

Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources


OpenStax College. (2014). 

U.S. History

. OpenStax College. 


Chapter 12 – Cotton is King: the Antebellum South, 1800-1860


Chapter 13 – Antebellum Idealism and Reform Impulses, 1820-1860

Also see:

· Douglass, F., & Stepto, R. B. (2009). 

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

· Dix, D. (2006). 

“I Tell What I Have Seen”

—The Reports of Asylum Reformer Dorothea Dix. 
American Journal of Public Health, 96(4), 622-624.

· Stanton, E.C. (n.d.). 

Declaration of Sentiments.

· Stanton, E.C. (1915). 

Solitude of Self. 

Articles & Websites:

· Guyette, F. (2013). 

Garrison versus Douglass on the abolition of slavery: An Ethics of Conviction Versus an Ethic of Responsibility

Max Weber Studies, 13(2), 254-263. 

· Hogan, L. (2008). 

A Time for Silence: William Lloyd Garrison and the “Woman Question” at the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention

Gender Issues, 25(2), 63-79. 

· Purdue University. (n.d.).

Tips and examples for writing a thesis statement.

· Chapter 13: Antebellum Revival and Reform

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