Posted: February 26th, 2023

web validity

follow the HON principle as a guideline

Web Validity Assignment

Student Name

Institution Name

Information and Communication Technologies PNUR1175-Section __

Instructor Name

Assignment Due Date

Health on the Net (HON) Assessment of Principles for Two Websites

Student Name:

Student Number:

Topic chosen for comparison:

URL of 1st website:

URL of


nd website:

Please answer the following four (4) questions:

1. Give one (1) example from one website of a HON principle that is
well met. Explain specifically
why that principle is well met. (Ensure the website is referenced in responses)

2. Give one (1) example from one website of a HON principle that is
questionable or poorly met. Explain specifically
why that HON principle is poorly met. (Ensure the website is referenced in responses)

3. Choose
one item that you found interesting about this topic from your websites and compare that item to information found in a Nursing textbook. Also give a specific example from
each website of how it compares to the textbook that you used. Be sure to cite the textbook in your reference list.

4. In
two paragraphs, provide evidence of how you would apply the HON Principles and course knowledge to nursing practice. (Give specific examples).

Each paragraph needs to have a different idea that applies your course knowledge to patient care.


References (Example)

Kozier, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S. Frandsen, G., Buck, M., Ferguson, L., Yiu, L., & Stamler, L. L. (2018).
Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. (4th ed.) Toronto, Canada: Pearson Canada. (Delete this before you start your references. This is only an example of how to set up the hanging indent feature.)

Remember to reference the HON website that you used to complete this assignment and the two websites that you evaluated for this assignment.

APA Conestoga 7 Link

Web Validity Assignment

Marking Rubric

No HON principle identified







Example of a well met HON principle

Extensive explanation with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences.

Nearly complete explanation of well met HON principle with two details in brief two sentences

Adequate explanation of well met HON principle with one example

Weak explanation of one well met HON principle with no example

No HON principle identified

Example of a

questionable or poorly met HON principle

Extensive explanation, with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences

Nearly complete explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with two examples in brief two sentences

Adequate explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with one example

Weak explanation of one questionable or poorly met HON principle with no example


Textbook comparison

Exceptional evidence of critical thinking an analysis

Effective evidence of critical thinking an analysis

Adequate evidence of critical thinking and analysis

Little evidence of critical thinking and analysis

No evidence of critical thinking and analysis

Application to nursing practice

Extensive explanation of the usefulness of web site assessments to determine validity related to nursing practice. + 3 concepts

Nearly complete explanation of how nurses can use website assessments in their practice with 2 paragraphs and 2 ideas

Adequate explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice.

Weak explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice. Does not discuss HON principles

No Application to Nursing Practice



Sentence and paragraph structure, APA formatting

Sophisticated use of language & vocabulary. No errors in scholarly format according APA format. Free from errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Effective use of language & vocabulary. Minor errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Limited use of language & vocabulary. Occasional errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Poor use of language and vocabulary. Numerous errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Numerous errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Inappropriate use of language and vocabulary. Gross errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Gross errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.



Declaration explaining all legal requirements concerning the confidentiality
of personal data.

The site must comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations. More information

The privacy policy must be site-specific and easily accessible.

The treatment of confidential data of the site user must be detailed.
In particular, the following points should be mentioned in the privacy policy:
– Whether consent to data collection is requested at the first launch of the site
– Where user data is stored,
– If the data collected is transmitted to third parties, and if so, to which third parties,
– Whether or not the site uses cookies and for what purpose,
– Whether or not the website uses Google Analytics and for what purpose.

Clear mention of the site boundaries that does not replace relationship
between physician and patient.

The information provided on the site should be intended to encourage, and not replace, direct
relationships between the patient and health professionals.

This must be indicated by a clear and visible statement such as: “The information provided on
this site is intended to improve, not replace, the direct relationship between the patient (or site
visitor) and healthcare professionals.”

The mission of the site should clearly be stated and respected.

The site’s audience should be indicated (health professionals or non-professionals) and the site’s
content should be relevant to that audience.

If the site is prohibited for use by minors, this must be clearly indicated and the site must be
designed in such a way that its use by minors is impossible.

Les détails concernant l’équipe éditoriale et l’équipe de l’application sont clairement


Details about the editorial team and the application team should clearly be stated.

The names and qualifications of the team members responsible for the development of the site
should also be indicated.

If the site contains medical content, the names and qualifications of the authors should be provided.
If the author is not a health professional, this must be clearly stated.

Details of the editorial team and the site team are clearly stated.


This document is intended to help you bring your website into compliance with the
8 principles of the HONcode.

Health On the Net Foundation (HON) – February 2020 – Please note that this version may be subject to change.


Health On the Net Foundation (HON) – February 2020 – Please note that this version may be subject to change.

The site is easy to use, its mission is clear, and the team is easily accessible.

A means of contact (e-mail address, contact form) should easily be available within the site.

If the website is complex, instructions for use could be available on the site, to help users.

The site is maintained regularly and potential bugs identified should be quickly fixed.

If the site is prohibited for use by minors, this must be clearly indicated and the site must be
designed in such a way that its use by minors is impossible.

Health information is complete and provided in an objective, balanced and
transparent manner.

If the site has medical content, the information should be presented in an objective and balanced

If the site presents treatments, drugs and/or surgeries, all information concerning contraindications,
adverse reactions, interactions, precautions for use should bepresented.

If the recommendation of a single brand is given, the professional must explain that it is his regular
practice to prescribe that particular drug brand and must mention that there are other products.
All brand names must be identified, for example with ®.

If the site has before/after photographs, a statement on this subject should be present, for example:
“The photos illustrating our before/after clinical cases show consenting persons and the same patients
appear, respectively, for the before/after result. These photos have not been retouched. We expressly draw
your attention to the fact that the observed result is specific to the person concerned and that an identical
result cannot be expected for another person, because of the individuality of each person.”
More information here:

The site, its legal and medical pages have a date of last update.
The sources of health content are given.

The site should have a date of last general update (on the home page for example).
The legal contents (Legal information; CGU; Confidentiality) have a date of last update.

In the scientific and medical fields, the evolution of knowledge is very rapid, so it is necessary to indicate the date of
creation of the content as well as its last update date.
Thus, if the site has medical content, it should have a date of last update. The user must be able to easily know when
the health information he/she is consulting was created.

Each medical content presenting digital and/or statistical data must be accompanied by references.
These can be indicated in the following form, and must be indicated whenever necessary.
Author1, Author2, Author3, Title, Name of journal/article/book/conference, Reference year, page number

If the site is prohibited for use by minors, this must be clearly indicated and the site must be designed in such a way
that its use by minors is impossible.


Our team is at your disposal to assist you in reaching
HONcode compliance for your site.

Do not hesitate to contact us by email via

Health On the Net Foundation (HON) – February 2020 – Please note that this version may be subject to change.


If the site carries advertising:
– This must be identified as such, with the term “Advertising” for example. The purpose of
labelling these ads is to clearly differentiate them from the information content of the site,
– An advertising policy should be available within the site,
– Advertisements on topics such as weapons, pornography, religion, dating are prohibited.

Find in pictures how to clearly identify the advertising on your site here:

If the site does not advertise, a statement to that effect states so, for example, “Our site does not
accept any form of advertising.”

All advertisements should be identified and differentiated from content.


The sources of funding for the site should be indicated and detailed.

A declaration of links of interest must be available if health professionals have been involved in
creating the content of the site.

Thus, it must be mentioned whether the authors of the content, health professionals, have links
of interest with health products and cosmetics companies.

More information on this directive on interest links is available here:

All sources of funding are identified and transparent.

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