Posted: February 28th, 2023

week6 ethics

week 6

This assignment builds upon the Module 4 Dropbox: Identification, Research, Analysis assignment you submitted previously. Be sure to review the feedback you received from that assignment, and 
make any necessary revisions BEFORE moving forward with this assignment.

Focusing on the same case as before, you will now complete the fourth step of the critical thinking process: 4) Application. This time, you will apply a Nonconsequential Ethical Theory – Kantian Ethics – to resolve the main ethical/moral issue.

Again, read the Washington Post article: “New York City blocks use of the ChatGPT bot in its schools

Follow the 

Sample Format: Application – Kantian Ethics

and submit to this Dropbox using MLA formatting.  

Apply Kantian Ethics, as follows:

Section 1 Summary – (150 words minimum) – Summarize Kantian Ethics. Include descriptions of the key terms/concepts: Universality and Respect-for-Persons. Use your own words. Do not use quotations. Paraphrase the information, and provide in-text citation(s) with the page number(s), where appropriate. In the Works Cited, be sure to cite your source(s).

Section 2 Appliaction – Apply Kantian Ethics following the Sample Format –  

Application – Kantian Ethics

. Be sure to fully follow the steps of the theory, step by step, and describe your argument for each step.

Section 3 Conclusion paragraph –  (150 words minimum) – State the “best” option(s), and explain how a true Kantian would come to this conclusion. Describe the results of applying Universality and Respect-for-Persons. Is this theory an effective way to solve this problem? Why or why not?

Use the 

Dropbox Grading Criteria

 to help guide your completion of this assignment.

Dropbox Rules

· Use 

MLA Formatting

. Double-space the entire document. Adjust all font color/style/size to black Times New Roman 12 pt. Put the heading in the upper left corner of the first page; include your name, the professor’s name, the course name, and the date. Use the document header to display your last name and page number in the upper right corner of each page. Put the “Works Cited” on the last page, and the total word count at the end of the document.

· Attach your submission in the proper Microsoft Word format or x or .rtf.

· Review your TurnItIn Report. View the 

Reviewing a TurnItIn Report

 tutorial. Resubmit if necessary.

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